From The Wilderness


Streaming Newsreel

By James Strauss

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This site is dedicated to a man named Michael Ruppert, a man who created the original ‘From the Wilderness’ years ago and was driven to suicide because of what he presented in his own version of what we are doing here.  Truth and facts, the presentation of them, is both painful and dangerous.  The world has been built upon hard facts and much truth, but it has been controlled and run mostly by prevarication, corruption, and deceit. Welcome to a different site, written and driven by men and women who have gotten old enough and life-experienced enough to really care.


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From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Seven

WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Newsreel By James Strauss           FREEDOM, that word used to describe a state of being that doesn’t exist but seems to exist in some future time or even the present if we can just get over to where the conditions are ripe for its appearance or...

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Six

From The Wilderness ELECTROCUTION Newsreel By James Strauss   The Ford Motor Company, on this day, February 16, 2023, terminated the production of its highly funded, touted and unworkable EF150 pickup truck.  What happened?  Was it terminated because of the reasons...

From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

IT’S DA BALLOON BOSS, DA BALLOON! Newsreel By James Strauss   Just how accidentally dumb is the American public, and how deliberately dumb the mass media?  Well, try the biggest balloon story occupying national attention since the ‘Balloon Boy’ story created back in...

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Two

THE MODERN BATTLE TANK Newsreel By James Strauss   The modern combat tank used in actual combat, is an advanced derivative of the first tanks to ever be used in combat (that was in WWI in the battle of the Somme during 1916).  Tanks have evolved over time and been...

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-One

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-One

GOVERNMENTAL GARBAGE Newsreel By James Strauss   I seldom turn off the news or cast aside my daily delivered issue of the New York Times.  I have been doing so lately.  Streaming has its benefits, as the fiction shows and movies located on those premium sites are, by...

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   The war in Ukraine grinds on, ever deeper into a cold hard winter, as predicted earlier in these newsreels.  Zelensky came to the United States to attempt to sell his case for continued support, while under cover of secrecy he was...

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

WHAT’S NOT COVERED Newsreel By James Strauss   As the news business expresses itself, day after day and night after night, it becomes revealing about what the media in general, both print and televised (as well as video, radio, podcasts and social media) don’t bother...

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS GIFT OF ALL Newsreel By James Strauss   You are not reading or seeing very much at all about this great Christmas gift in the papers, on television or even the Internet.  The greatest present of all is God’s delivery of fusion power to humanity...

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   Once more, the seemingly disorganized mess of the Ukraine winter in combat, or waiting for combat, or just out of the field of combat, moves coldly and deceptively forward.  During this last week, the European Union got together and...

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Six

FUSION Newsreel By James Strauss   Back, way back in the 1980’s I worked for a bit at Los Alamos National Laboratories in Los Alamos, New Mexico.  The project I worked on, headed up by Einstein’s follow up grand intellect, named Hans Bethe, was called Project Antares,...

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Two

FAME IN THE ARTS Newsreel By James Strauss It can be difficult to write about some things without other things being ignored or conflated into things they aren’t really.  Fame is one of those things.  The word is almost totally synonymous with sales.  Without fame,...

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy

MAUNA LOA Newsreel By James Strauss   There is quiet risk in geologic events, although such events are seldom able to be predicted ahead of time.  There was little warning around the world when the earthquake that occurred along the seafloor just off of Indonesia...