Pouting. The president is pouting. Over how many people did or did not attend his inauguration. He’s stated unequivocally now that he is not going to release his taxes as he’d promised. That was this morning, between pouts. This nation is about to be...
Finally, in the Chicago Tribune editorial section, an editorial was featured that has most of us former agents and White House workers cringing. The public does not understand. It isn’t Donald Trump’s tweeting

Getting ready? Getting ready for national leadership that does not believe in the advances of science in computers, the Internet, email, or most anything else? Well, Donald Trump rails against all of those things. Get ready for worrying about nuclear war again. Donald...
Getting ready? Getting ready for what you now might see coming but maybe not? The ethics thing was a just a beginning. Ryan is in as Speaker, both houses are republican and Trump is about to become president. So you wanted all those people to lose their medical...
When Donald Trump does something that appears to be good, well, I write about it. I do not think he’s a bad or evil man. I simply think he’s about as daffy as a cartoon character. What did he do? He went up against his own republicans in making idiots out...
The biggest question of all for the people who voted for Donald Trump, and the very biggest chunk of evaluative data that you can use to figure out who you should have as friends and who you should not. The biggest question is “how could anyone, man or woman,...
Are we in the center of a Fish Ball? Ho-hum. We wait. Maybe it is just that America got bored. So everyone is waiting until the inauguration so that interest and entertainment can begin. Remember, we are not the far from the public rushing to big parks and meeting...
THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE, December 19, 2016
Sounds of Silence Dateline: United States December 19, 2016 This night the electoral college of the United States of America redefines sanity, freedom and success in a country gone lame, as it begins to stagger into the new millennium, hurt but still there…....
You simply must go back and read and study some history if you want to understand the damage potentially coming to the world when Trump takes office. The wording of his comments and those of his awful appointed officials is the same as in Germany in the early 30s....
I read less these days and watch much less television than before the election. I know that I believe even less than I did before about what I see on television, and almost nothing of what I am reading on the Internet. That truth went away so deeply and so quickly I...
Today is the big day before the big day. Will civility, manners, and outrageous behavior be rewarded or will there be a return to cultural sanity of accepted social behavior on the morrow?

Scum. How is America ever going back from scum owning the mass media. Absolutely lousy American companies like Disney, that used to be terrific companies, now owned by the most awful of people who don’t give a damn about the country or its people……

The Supreme Court. Why the House of Representatives, resisting efforts to appoint anyone to fill the vacant U.S. Supreme Court role, has little to do with partisan politics. Say what? Everything is the opposite of what they are saying…..

THE ELECTION and the Cubs
Election and the Chicago Cubs It is Sunday night, which means that we only have a week and a day of this election cycle to go. Can we hack it? What will be the next scandal or investigation, tape or audio recording? Whom will come forth to be famous or to be the...
Maureen Dowd was on Sunday Morning this Sunday morning. With her sister and other siblings. Maureen has had a lot of work done. I always wonder, man or woman, what people who have surgery for aging would look like without it. I’ve seen so much of it in...
This is a very difficult process the nation is going through. The selection of this particular president is becoming more divisive for the American population than almost any that have come before. Reflect and think about what is going on. There really is no effective...
Well, the last debate is history. Hillary is a “nasty woman,” according to Trump, as his back of the school bus kind of low intellectual insults continued…….

I did a short video on a Donald Trump display set up just north of town here in Lake Geneva. I did not say it was a bad thing. They put up a paper mache effigy of Hillary in prison attire however, and some nasty stuff about her under it. I reflected in my voiceover...
Wandering, Adrift and Alone
Donald Trump is blaming Paul Ryan and the republican party for the current sexual scandal he is living inside. He’s also blaming Carlos Slim of Mexico, who owns some stock in the NY Times

An Offense Against Man
The offense against man. Not just women. What Donald Trump has demonstrated and had revealed is a sub-culture of sociobiological behavior out of control and out of revelation……

Supreme Ignorance
The politics of self-defeat in ignorance. That’s the policy of the republican Congress right now, with respect to the Supreme Court. Everything going before the current court, split down the middle by political belief 4 to 4, is coming back as a tie…..

Looking for Belly Button Lint
The presidency of Hilary Clinton will be initiated and confirmed in November to start in January of next year. That she will be president is not in question. How she came to be selected to be president is something else again. There can be little question now that she...
The Human Political Condition
What a shock! Donald Trump is not what he claims in another area, as some old tax documents are revealed. Yes, he’s awful, idiotic and even mentally damaged, but do not ever forget one thing that has been revealed by his successful candidacy and his potential to...
OBAMA FINISHES, Like A Shrinking Drying Puddle.
The big debate is coming up with Clinton and Trump. At this time the right wing whacked mass media, as right wing as Trump himself and maybe just as suicidal, has Trump leading in all polls or very close.

The Sadness of The Drudge Report
Drudge Report I have been reading the Internet Drudge Report to see what it has up on it these days, in the times of Donald Trump. I could not believe what I was reading! Fox? Nothing. Go to Drudge and be blown from any rationality to a place far far away. Donald...
I WILL NOT! I will not drop friends on Facebook or visitors to my websites because they support Donald Trump or say shitty things about Hillary Clinton. I just won’t do it. Without differences what a helluva boring world it would be and what a pit of dead creativity.

It was interesting to listen to so many people interviewed this morning on ABC about why they support Donald Trump. Some are irrational to a great extent, like the woman who’s selling Confederate flags with Trumps name on them, even though Trump has disavowed...
And the mass media rush to rid the country of being a country continues. The wealthy owners of these media outlets report on how the big national defense ‘whatever the hell that was’ event where Clinton and Trump spoke, was all about how both of them made...
White Death
The “Goring” of Hillary Clinton. That’s exactly what the republican owned Mainstream Media is doing. They are doing to her, damning by faint praise, exactly what they did to give the nation eight years of George Bush Junior, creating the single...
What is the Alt-right, anyway? The alternative right wing, once known as neocons but alt-right sounds mysteriously better. They are republicans, the most fearful of all republicans. Republicans have a single commonality about them that extends to the alt-right, as...
Obamacare, Success or Failure?
It’s all about the money. Obamacare. Oh, the idea was great and the law well written, except for one part. That part was the part that made no demands whatever on what insurer’s could charge or increase or anything else financially…

The News Media, Good Bad or Just Plain Ugly?
How they handle the news. Being in the newspaper business at The Geneva Shore Report I am now much more aware of the ‘slant’ that mass media takes and how it seems to take it all together although, for the most part, I cannot see linkage demanding that….

Polling numbers…..do they mean anything?
Polling numbers seem to be all over the place in this contentious Election 2016 How deep into West Virginia, Alabama and Arizona can the pollsters go to hold up Donald Trump’s numbers?

Observation on Ryan-Trump
It is entertaining to sit back and watch Paul Ryan twist and squirm under the punishing thumb of Trump. Ryan has to stick to his endorsement of Trump while Trump refuses to endorse him in return….

Trump and Cowardice.
Note that Donald Trump, man who would not go into the military, continues to insult and demean the integrity of those who not only served but also went into harm’s way and were either captured, wounded, or killed, or all three. Donald Trump hates that simple...
Today’s Reflection-Veterans
It is truly sad that no ex-military will be represented in the White House once again.
How can there be so many veterans who served in foreign wars overlooked when there is so much fear today

Mass Media and the Lies
I want you to pay attention to the glaring fact that the mass media is taking the orange-topped human maggot of a republican candidate and elevating him to being the equal of, or greater, than Clinton in popularity…..