FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Eleven

FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Eleven

FROM THE WILDERNESS Heat Also Rises By James Strauss   I hold advanced degrees in both anthropology and physics.  I think I have studied enough and traveled enough (122 countries) and dived deep enough (in every ocean and ‘sea’ on earth) to have some idea about what’s...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Ten

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Ten

FROM THE WILDERNESS Billionaire Bastards By James Strauss   What are all the American courts, criminal, federal, state and civil trying not to tell the public? They are not only lying out of passively failing to discuss things of merit and fact, but they are also...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Nine

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Nine

FROM THE WILDERNESS The Obvious Sense Behind Alien Secrets By James Strauss   As an important field operations member of the Central Intelligence Agency for seventeen years I can honestly report that I never saw in real life something that could be termed a current...
FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Eight

FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Eight

FROM THE WILDERNESS The Forgotten Soldiers By James Strauss   The nation spends about $88,000 for each living veteran who qualifies for its services.  Where does that money go?  Almost all of it for administration, care givers of all kinds, and facilities.  Direct...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Seven

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Seven

FROM THE WILDERNESS Plight by James Strauss   The door into reality gapes open, swinging wide and then slamming shut, as pain and frightened alienation leave anyone left alive and standing…staring in paralyzed wonder at a closed surface once again veneered over with...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

SOSUS I is the acronym of the formerly top-secret array of ocean bottom sound sensing placements the U.S. has maintained during and following the cold war. These centers, many of them were manned, were built to find and follow Soviet submarines no matter where there...
FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

FROM THE WILDERNESS WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD By James Strauss   Our studies of the universe cause us to cower inward, as if pulling back from the cold harshness of a raging blizzard just outside.  We retreat to the warmth of our fireplaces, radiating with warmth and...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

FROM THE WILDERNESS Selective Application By James Strauss   The human condition of high civilization coupled with hugely successful population increases is based upon selection and application.  Nature is responsible for some of this choosing, while beyond genetics...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

FROM THE WILDERNESS My Country Tis of Thee by James Strauss   We’ve come upon hard times.  The perspective of almost every human being at any time through all of the species’ history indicates that this psychological position is the one most commonly held no...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

FROM THE WILDERNESS Newsreel By James Strauss   Ken Burns and Lynn Novick have made a ten part series about the Vietnam War, and it’s been making headlines for its truthful veracity.  These two “Hollywood-style” historians present that war, as they have presented...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-One

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-One

FROM THE WILDERNESS Ukraine War Newsreel   The war moves slowly on toward its coming conclusion.  China meets with Putin, not to confirm that they support one another, as that’s already a given and has been so for some time.  China meets with Putin to figure out what...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred

FROM THE WILDERNESS Newsreel By James Strauss   Neither American political party, not the republicans nor the democrats, can release themselves from the secure steely grasp of old people running almost everything.  Biden is likely to be the candidate for president...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Nine

FROM THE WILDERNESS Newsreel By James Strauss   Where did meritorious service, talent and expression go to die?  It didn’t’ go anywhere. It stayed right where it was, a giant target for the steamroller of advancing communication technology.  Instead of advancing...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

SIMULTANEITY, SUPERPOSITION & ENTANGLEMENT From the Wilderness By James Strauss The advanced societies and cultures of the earth have been studying and using the results of those studied in physics to make great technological advances in almost every area of...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

WE’LL TAKE ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING Newsreel By James Strauss   I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the mass media and why the entirety of the near united but not tied and bound outlets is reporting what it has got to have as a motivational factor.  Waiting for some...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Seven

WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Newsreel By James Strauss           FREEDOM, that word used to describe a state of being that doesn’t exist but seems to exist in some future time or even the present if we can just get over to where the conditions are ripe for its appearance or...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Six

From The Wilderness ELECTROCUTION Newsreel By James Strauss   The Ford Motor Company, on this day, February 16, 2023, terminated the production of its highly funded, touted and unworkable EF150 pickup truck.  What happened?  Was it terminated because of the reasons...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Five

GOOD VIBRATIONS Newsreel By James Strauss   In the 1800’s physics had come far enough to determine just how the sensory system of humans, and most other animals on the planet, really worked.  There has been little dispute about what was discovered.  We have five...
From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

IT’S DA BALLOON BOSS, DA BALLOON! Newsreel By James Strauss   Just how accidentally dumb is the American public, and how deliberately dumb the mass media?  Well, try the biggest balloon story occupying national attention since the ‘Balloon Boy’ story created back in...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Three

THE GAS, OIL, AND COAL WAR Newsreel By James Strauss   They are lying, all of them.  Natural gas cost one-sixth the price to burn by home and business owners across the land in stoves, heaters or any other way.  That cost amount is not hard to figure out.  Just...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Two

THE MODERN BATTLE TANK Newsreel By James Strauss   The modern combat tank used in actual combat, is an advanced derivative of the first tanks to ever be used in combat (that was in WWI in the battle of the Somme during 1916).  Tanks have evolved over time and been...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-One

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-One

GOVERNMENTAL GARBAGE Newsreel By James Strauss   I seldom turn off the news or cast aside my daily delivered issue of the New York Times.  I have been doing so lately.  Streaming has its benefits, as the fiction shows and movies located on those premium sites are, by...
From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   The war in Ukraine grinds on, ever deeper into a cold hard winter, as predicted earlier in these newsreels.  Zelensky came to the United States to attempt to sell his case for continued support, while under cover of secrecy he was...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Nine

A.I. Newsreel By James Strauss   At one time, a long while ago, I worked in Hawaii, part-time, with an organization called Dragon. Dragon was the name of a hastily put together company trying to create a writing program that would allow people to speak into a computer...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Eight

THE QUIETUDE IN THE WINTER OF 2023 Newsreel By James Strauss A great prevailing and little broken silence has taken over the world. The war in Ukraine goes on but, in a snow, and ice muted form, with Putin still threatening to blow up the world and Zelensky keeping...
From The Wilderness. Article Eighty-Seven

From The Wilderness. Article Eighty-Seven

REVELATIONS Newsreel By James Strauss   Quite likely now, the most important, and possibly devastating, revelations about the current republican party are all being revealed in this current political ‘log jam’ set right in the middle of the great American political...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Six

UKRAINE Newsreel by James Strauss   The Ukraine foreign minister signaled yesterday that the Ukrainians, following the recent visit by Zelensky to Washington, are now ready to have a peace conference in February with Russia, supposedly to be chaired or moderated by...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Five

THEY ARE ALL DOING IT Newsreel By James Strauss   Rupert Murdoch brought the London tabloid style of reporting the news to the United States, creating Fox in the process and so much more, as news changed from a form of informational transfer (from reporters to the...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

WHAT’S NOT COVERED Newsreel By James Strauss   As the news business expresses itself, day after day and night after night, it becomes revealing about what the media in general, both print and televised (as well as video, radio, podcasts and social media) don’t bother...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Three

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   Zelensky has come to the United States and will make his appearance at the White House on this day, the shortest day and longest night of the year.  How fitting this meeting is, what with a blizzard bearing down, the tilt of the...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Two

STREAMING HELL Newsreel By James Strauss   The New York Times reported this week that the huge streaming services, providing television shows and movies to so many today, as opposed to the ‘old days’ when everyone waited week by week for new installments for...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS GIFT OF ALL Newsreel By James Strauss   You are not reading or seeing very much at all about this great Christmas gift in the papers, on television or even the Internet.  The greatest present of all is God’s delivery of fusion power to humanity...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   Once more, the seemingly disorganized mess of the Ukraine winter in combat, or waiting for combat, or just out of the field of combat, moves coldly and deceptively forward.  During this last week, the European Union got together and...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Nine

FUSION II Newsreel By James Strauss   The announcement yesterday about the first real experiment in laser fusion produce more energy than was spent in producing it was made with no fanfare at all.  The enormity of this scientific achievement was played down at every...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Seven

CRYPTOCURRENCY III Newsreel By James Strauss   Fright.  That’s the aroma in the cryptocurrency air these days, following the arrest, detention and request for extradition of the world’s first major cryptocurrency leader down in the Bahamas.  That faint sweet smell of...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Six

FUSION Newsreel By James Strauss   Back, way back in the 1980’s I worked for a bit at Los Alamos National Laboratories in Los Alamos, New Mexico.  The project I worked on, headed up by Einstein’s follow up grand intellect, named Hans Bethe, was called Project Antares,...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Five

QATAR Newsreel By James Strauss   Another rich Arab country, Qatar, consults with public relations firms in Europe and New York to take over the championship play for worldwide soccer.  Like the Saudi’s are trying to buy their way into respectability by opening up a...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Four

THE SLOW UKRAINIAN CONVERSION Newsreel by James Strauss   The grinding cold winter and the even more grinding process of trying to bring a settlement to the most challenging war across all the countries of the earth moves toward settlement.  The developing settlement...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Three

THE MASS MEDIA DILEMMA Newsreel By James Strauss   The new show called Harry and Meghan, the former prince and whatever she really was in the British Royal family, is not really about how screwed up the Royal family really is (it really is) but about how that fault...