Take two aspirin and go to bed.
This thing about pain. Not heroin. Not opiates. I mean real pain. The kind of pain that reaches down inside you and the radiates out so you can’t even communicate properly. Yes, that mewling stuff reducing your from a human being to flopping piece of chicken meat rolling back and forth across your bed. And it’s about a great pervasive lack of care sweeping across this nation. In the name of eradicating the one thing that can never be eradicated (drugs) because people will always try to feel better about life, the medical community becomes ever more like the energy and airline companies. The medical people don’t give a shit anymore. Lay there. Roil. You are mostly faking anyway, in their new perspective, in order to get drugs. Go exercise on that broken leg. Get a massage. Shut up and ‘meditate’ the pain away. I am sorry that medical science has gone the way of most science today, and that is nowhere. No new pain drugs that work. And don’t give me that aspirin, Tylenol or Advil shit, either.
Please! Thank God I am not in pain. When I am in pain again, and it will happen, and they won’t give me the stuff that actually works, then I’m going to give the people who treat me some pain. That’s about all you can do. Find their parked Porsche. Find their home numbers and hire robocallers. Go online and tell the world about what careless and thoughtless people they are. Opiates are all that work for the worst stuff. You’re not getting that anymore unless it’s a prescription for three Hydrocodone tablets with no renew. What happens when nobody cares anymore? What is going to happen? It will go both ways. If this uncaring attitude continues, more people are going to think and act as I am writing, and the medical profession is going to get a whole lot more uncomfortable to be in.
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