Dateline: Santa Fe

Friday, November 13, 2015

by James Strauss

Santa Fe Friday Morning 

 Cold but hard driven sun, enough to make you wear something light but warm and then too warm and not light enough. Layers are fine as long as you don’t have to carry the cast off layers around with you and don’t want to look even more like camel by wearing a modern day pack. The place is empty but about to fill up. Breakfast burrito and a glass of milk to kill the pain, coffee to keep going and on to the Indian blankets on the Plaza to be screwed (quite justifiably) by the wonderful real Indians ensconced over there.

Friday AM Santa Fe New Mexico

Chilly Friday Morning in Santa Fe

Santa Fe New Mexico at night.
A cold night.
Not deep winter Wisconsin cold, no that forty-five degree dry air cold with a bit of penetrating wind. This young man was seen ‘vaping’ into the night air, time after time. I waited until just the right second, outside of Overland Sheepskin on the plaza and got the shot. Important? No. Just there and seemingly definitive of the particular time and place. What is good photograph and what makes it good? I don’t know any more about that then I do about creative writing. You must be the audience and you must determine worth.
All artists are merely guessing….
and hoping…
and trying….
His name is Kirk and his claimed state was homelessness, although he seemed too well taken care of for that to be the whole story.

Friday Night Santa Fe

Homeless in Santa Fe?

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