The Badly Needed Emetic

By James Strauss


Most people don’t know that Ipecac can’t be purchased over the counter in the United States anymore. That syrup was plentiful for most of my life, as it was used as something that was ingested, usually by a child, that required vomiting back up in as immediate a timespan as could be accomplished.  Ingesting a poison easily found around residences, like antifreeze, gasoline, or even household cleaners like ammonia and bleach, can kill a human long before they can get to an emergency room to get a stomach pumped out.  Today, charcoal is often suggested to be kept on hand for such an emergency use but it’s not nearly as effective as Ipecac.  What else might be on hand and readily available?  How tough are you?  How badly do you want to potentially save someone who has ingested poison orally?

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