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Island in the Sand, Kindle Version

Original price was: $8.95.Current price is: $2.99.

The first book of Island In The Sand is now available in a Kindle Version

There was no place on earth. No orphans, wandering toddlers or strange children of any kind would be allowed entry to any tribe. There was insufficient sustenance left for the surviving population to allow for even the most minimal relief or tender mercy.
Stray animals were to be hunted for their flesh. Outsider adults were to be treated the same as the animals, except their flesh was never to be consumed.
Outsider children were to be shunned, although not directly slain. No contact or communication was to be allowed.
The tribes had mutually concluded that such a rare general agreement was to be honored as a pivotal compact in allowing humanity to rise up to a level of civilization once existing before the asteroid had struck.
Find out how Star Black and her band survive and react with Artificial Intelligence.


The first book of Island In The Sand is now available in a Kindle Version

There was no place on earth. No orphans, wandering toddlers or strange children of any kind would be allowed entry to any tribe. There was insufficient sustenance left for the surviving population to allow for even the most minimal relief or tender mercy.
Stray animals were to be hunted for their flesh. Outsider adults were to be treated the same as the animals, except their flesh was never to be consumed.
Outsider children were to be shunned, although not directly slain. No contact or communication was to be allowed.
The tribes had mutually concluded that such a rare general agreement was to be honored as a pivotal compact in allowing humanity to rise up to a level of civilization once existing before the asteroid had struck.
Find out how Star Black and her band survive and react with Artificial Intelligence.

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