Reflections of Life,
Past, Present and Future
James Strauss
Reflecting on the outrageous fortune that has smiled down upon me with all of its travel, pain, depression, elation, danger, adventure and total lack of believability. For a time I tried to have credibility until I discovered that my own credibility was without meaning. The meaning of life has nothing to do with credibility or believing in anything. It has to do with longing and thought leading to the satisfaction of a mission in pursuit and a need to understand rather than to be understood.
I came to outwardly express my feelings and thoughts so as to constantly remain actively in search at my core. From my core to the outside world. From my core to the Solar system and galaxy. From my core to the universe and finally, from my core to your core. This site is about your core and what you might be able to take from my own.
Enjoy my reflections and share yours here. Comment freely on the posts. May we grow together on this strange journey
Harvey and Habits……keeping a marriage solid?
Harvey the Grey Cat. This morning. Harvey likes the end of the bed while I am in the shower, shaving and all that. He waits so he can approve of my attire for the day. He’s easy because he always approves.
Looking back Inside our Mind
What’s it like inside our minds? Oh, we all know that our cranial container has all this gray stuff composed of crisscrossing nerves and synaptic tissue.
So what is this about a Cat Named Harvey?
Harvey. My cat of 14 years. There’s been some controversy over the ownership (if it can really be called that) of cats who live at home but also run in the wild upon occasion……
Sunday Morning, November 29, 2015
I love Sunday morning. I used to love going to Catholic Mass every Sunday morning when I was very young. I used to love to look at the girls and women who got all dolled up…
Daisy, Daisy, Vietnam Veteran and PTSD
I came back from Vietnam on a hard white gurney, flown in by one of those planes they called Starlifters at the time. Those wounded of us in that fuselage had all been pinned up in plastic sacks……….
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