THE FOURTEENTH DAY, 30 Days Has September

THE FOURTEENTH DAY, 30 Days Has September

A fifty caliber machine gun opened up in short bursts again, but this one wasn’t pouring in tracer rounds from the hill further down south on the other side of the river. We were too close for the tracers to begin to light up from this one, and not far enough away to...
THE THIRTEENTH NIGHT, 30 Days Has September

THE THIRTEENTH NIGHT, 30 Days Has September

The day would not end. The hike to where the objective was supposed to be, that Sugar Daddy’s forward reconnaissance team said wasn’t there, was one of overwhelming fatigue and staggering inattentiveness. The first sign that something was wrong with the company came...
THE EIGHTH NIGHT, 30 Days has September

THE EIGHTH NIGHT, 30 Days has September

The move was a long hard one. In training I’d literally run twenty miles with a forty-pound pack on my back carrying an M-14 and wearing a full helmet and liner. I had none of those things going down the ridge, in hopes of coming in behind whatever units were set up to ambush