Night Flight, an Arch Patton Adventure

Night Flight, an Arch Patton Adventure

NIGHT FLIGHT Short Story By James Strauss   The air above Africa is rarified. Volcanoes spew up from below to be reported for the first time by overflying airliners. Storms with horizontal lightening that will take any passengers breath away wedge in from all...
Christmas Pueblo, Arch Patton Adventure

Christmas Pueblo, Arch Patton Adventure

Christmas Pueblo  An Arch Patton Adventure by James Strauss Arch Patton found himself inside the confines of the Pueblo of Santa Fe County jail, Christmas Eve, on some vague trumped-up barroom brawl charge. He was in the “drunk tank,” which is what they call the cells...
Arch Patton, Thunder Marine, Chapter Nine

Arch Patton, Thunder Marine, Chapter Nine

4:00 a.m. slammed down like a guillotine blade; bringing Arch’s eyes open to full wideness with a jerk, his head swinging up off his pillow to stare at the now open bedroom door. The door swung back toward the frame. It had been the sound of the old solid wood slab hitting drywall

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