THE CAT, Chapter III
The light faded from the valley, the sunlight descending the canyon wall beyond the river like a curtain slowly falling on life itself. But not to the cat. The night brought stealth and slow-moving life to a very busy but also very elusive forest during daylight...
THE CAT, Chapter II
The cat rested. He lay as he’d been before, not wanting to deal with the things that had been circling around in his head. He knew he was risking a small bit by returning to the bear ravaged den, and he hated the scent the grousing, rolling predator had left behind,...
THE CAT, Chapter I
THE CAT Prologue A very minor tendril of the lightning strike caught the running cat’s head on its left side. The thin super-heated tendril split the cat’s ear half way down and tossed its body down and to one side. The cat lay seemingly lifeless while the...
Audio Version of Herschel the Bear Cub
This fishing trip turned in to real ordeal for Tomas when he meets Herschel, the bear cub A chance meeting with a mother bear and her cub proved to be a fortuitous experience.