THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXVI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXVI

Earlier in the day the weather had been so very Southern California that I hadn’t noticed it, as I ran around arranging everything I would need for the mission. However, when I was ‘installing’ the Bronco, once again, in between the giant beach cleaning machines at...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXII

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXII

I realized just how different Bob Elwell was, as I sat out at the end of the pier considering the coming dive. The simplicity of his plan, versus the overwhelming complexity of my own, amazed me. I’d given my plan only about a fifty percent chance of succeeding since...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Three, Chapter XXI

The cat, Bozo, sat at the double doors, almost always open, as it was the morning, the cool breeze wafting in across his short, scarred by still strangely soft body fur. He looked out, although, what with the solid wood railing between him and the more distant outside...
THE COWARDLY LION Volume Three, Chapter XVII

THE COWARDLY LION Volume Three, Chapter XVII

Gularte and I worked back and forth across our interconnected plots of sand, rolling over the state beach area without stopping, as the state guards didn’t much appreciate the beach patrol’s existence much less the mostly reserve officers that manned it. “It’s a turf...

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