FROM THE WILDERNESS My Country Tis of Thee by James Strauss We’ve come upon hard times. The perspective of almost every human being at any time through all of the species’ history indicates that this psychological position is the one most commonly held no...
FROM THE WILDERNESS My Country Tis of Thee by James Strauss We’ve come upon hard times. The perspective of almost every human being at any time through all of the species’ history indicates that this psychological position is the one most commonly held no...
FROM THE WILDERNESS Newsreel By James Strauss Neither American political party, not the republicans nor the democrats, can release themselves from the secure steely grasp of old people running almost everything. Biden is likely to be the candidate for president...
SIMULTANEITY, SUPERPOSITION & ENTANGLEMENT From the Wilderness By James Strauss The advanced societies and cultures of the earth have been studying and using the results of those studied in physics to make great technological advances in almost every area of...
THE MESSAGE Newsreel By James Strauss There is a constant drone that comes out from all media outlets, whether that’s radio, television or even most of the Internet. The one-way nature of that drone makes it impossible to comment, argue with or make a return...