Island In The Sand, Part XXV

Island In The Sand, Part XXV

ISLAND IN THE SAND  Part XXV Star lunged backward, the muzzle blast from the rifle was so close in front of her it seemed to explode with yellow fire all around her. There were seats in the conveyance and she found one by striking, and then bowling backward over it....
Island In The Sand, Part XXIV

Island In The Sand, Part XXIV

ISLAND IN THE SAND Part XXIV The fateful words were heard by every member of Star’s band, but none reacted as she did. “I’ve killed him,” she breathed out, leaning into the wall at her side for support. “He was a long way from perfect, but he didn’t deserve to die,”...
Island In The Sand, Part XXIII

Island In The Sand, Part XXIII

ISLAND IN THE SAND Part XXIII Once again, the entire band, from Star, Wren, and Jameson, stopped to stand and stare at the walls of the house in silence. “Did that thing just say the conveyance could fly off the planet? Jameson asked. There was no answer to his...

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