Island In The Sand, Book 2 Part II

Island In The Sand, Book 2 Part II

ISLAND IN THE SAND Book 2 Part II Star stepped forward and stared down into the canyon bottom far below. The distance was such that it would never occur to any human to wonder about what a fall into it might cause in the way of bodily damage. A fall would be a one-way...
Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part I

Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part I

ISLAND IN THE SAND ~ Book II Part I Star loped through the forest, following behind her small charges, with Jameson to one side and Wren to the other. The band worked through the floor of lush pine forest like following vastly long strings of cooked pasta carefully...
Island In The Sand, Part XXXIII

Island In The Sand, Part XXXIII

ISLAND IN THE SAND  PART XXXIII   Star could only stare at Sly, wondering how the boy had changed so much since she’d last seen him in the forest not so long ago. His appearance had gone from unkempt to neatly clean, except for the soot and debris that covered...
Island In The Sand, Part XXXII

Island In The Sand, Part XXXII

ISLAND IN THE SAND PART XXXII Ninety-One glided almost silently past Star’s right shoulder before she had any idea what the service robot might be doing. Her rifle was aimed, supporting Jameson’s rifle, at the same well-disguised crack which would likely open to...
Island In The Sand, Part XXXI

Island In The Sand, Part XXXI

ISLAND IN THE SAND PART XXXI The hatch to the tunnel closed slowly behind them. Star and Jameson stood side by side, rifles held out and down in front of their chests, ready to be brought into firing position if any threat appeared in front of them. But nothing...

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