THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XVII

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XVII

The airport in downtown Hong Kong, literally inside the very developed and crowded downtown area, was one of the most dangerous commercial airports to land in and take off from worldwide. Kai Tak was a civilian airport controlled by the city of Hong Kong through the...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XVI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XVI

I turned to my ‘team’ and sat down once more at the table, as the four of us came together and they might understand why I’d made the strongly worded requests to Robert Burns that I had. “We aren’t going to need or want heavy weapons of any sort and no pyrotechnics...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XV

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XV

Wearing my blue suit made me basically unnoticeable once down into the elevator’s final ding-dong to exit. Business in Hong Kong was all suits and ties with mostly white shirts and red ties of one sort or another, plus Caucasians were anything but out of place. I...

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