You can download the .mobi file for your Kindle.
If you are using a Kindle, here are instructions:
To add a Future Horizons Mobipocket (“.mobi”) eBook to your Kindle:
- Turn your Kindle on
- Connect the Kindle to your computer using the USB cable that came with your Kindle
- Drag and drop the “.mobi” Ebook file into the documents folder on your Kindle
- When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, “Safely Remove Mass Storage Device (Windows) or “Eject” (Mac) the Kindle from your computer
- When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, unplug the USB cable from your Kindle
If you have a Kindle Fire follow these simple directions:
- Turn your Kindle Fire on.
- Connect the Kindle to your computer with a USB Cable
(note that the Kindle Fire does not ship with a cable so you will need to supply your own). - Your Kindle screen will now say, “You can now transfer files from your computer to Kindle”
- On your computer, the Kindle’s hard drive should be mounted and displayed as “KINDLE”
- Drag and drop the “.mobi” eBook file into either the “Books” or “Documents” folder on your Kindle
- Unmount the Kindle from your computer: choose “Safely Remove Mass Storage Device” (Windows) or “Eject” (Mac)
Your books will show up in the Docs section of your Kindle Fire, as well as in the carousel.