The raft came in toward the river bank hard and fast, faster than the boy, or anyone on the raft, except for the cat, was ready for. Hasti leaped from the bow of the raft just as it struck one of the larger rocks sticking up just above the water, its revealed size belying the larger body of its existence laying covered below. The tattered, barely held-together raft, at the speed it was dragged across the water, held fast against being shot downriver by the entwined rope they’d made, but encountered the main body of the rock and instantly came apart, bundles of cooking implements, animal skins, the women, the children and everything else aboard dumped into the shallows of the fast-moving, but fortunately shallow, water.

The Warrior had no more chance than the rest to do much of anything except stand and fight the current to make his way toward the steep embankment battered and beaten by his encounter with the logs that had burst about the scene as the raft so powerfully came apart.

End of Volume One

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