The uniform shop in Santa Ana was located on the main drive passing through the center of the rather over-populated and kind of ragged city. San Clemente was much smaller, tighter and kept its streets, sidewalks and plant life in much better shape. Of course, San Clemente had a huge tourist population to help pay the bills every summer, and most of the winter too. I pulled up in front of the concrete front facing of the shop. It was called Keystone. There were no display windows and only a single double door with a welcome sign cut in half to fit across both doors. Next to the doors was what seemed like a doorbell, and another much smaller sign that read: “push button for entry.” I pushed the button without trying the doors.
A buzzer sounded, and I realized the sound was coming from the door. An electric lock, which seemed strange. How did the store get customers without advertising or being fully open during business hours? I pulled on the door closest to the button and opened it.
Re-reading first three chapters; hope a new chapter is coming soon, LT.
In February 1974 I started my law enforcement career with the Secret Service at the age of 22. In late spring of 1974 I was assigned to the White House where I met President Nixon for the first time in the Old Executive Office Building (EOB). The word went out the MAN was coming.I expected to see a larger than life John Wayne figure! The door to the Oval Office opened and President Nixon stepped out. He was stooped over from the pressures of WaterGate and appeared to be five nine not the ten feet tall I was expecting. I was totally shocked by the physical stature of the man before me and a big grin crossed my face. He stopped and inquired as to how I was and I immediately liked him. With all of the pressure the President took a valuable moment to ask about my well-being. At this time the members of his administration were always working at what seemed to be lighting speed and it was prudent to stay clear.This was especially true of Kissinger that always appeared to be at a near run. Even with the impending chaos of his resignation my observation was that President Nixon was a decent guy.
I must say your writing draws me in. Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
Made many trips to and through that EOB place. What a building and some of the strange offices within.
Kissinger was a principal player in all aspects of the Nixon administration of the time, as you write
and an imposing figure. Nixon was more accommodating and kinder to you than I ever saw him with anyone
else around me working security. Nice. He did write me a lot of notes and comments in his books. Also nice.
Thanks for the compliments and also for being one of ‘us’ a rare vestige of past power.
Semper fi,
An interesting observation of President Nixon, Andrew.
I had the opportunity to have a few hands of Gin with him during that time, after golf.
Overall I found him to be an OK guy also.
He shared one bit of information I thought was relevant to all leaders, that “he wished he had listened to his mother’s advice of not giving away too decision making to others”
Alright! Enough about the .44 magnum! James and the rest of you guys are scaring the crap out of me. My dad had a .44 mag for years and I’ve always wanted to shoot it. He gave it to me the other day and I’ve yet to take it to the range. I think I’m already getting PTSD before I’ve shot it! LOL. Again great writting James!
Okay, okay…about the 44 Magnum…it plays a role later on and I had to develop the nature of it before I describe it’s intended and eventual
Semper fi,
Jim and thanks for the sincere meaningful compliment.
Jim I have read every word you have so generously provided us on-line. Though I am from Canada and now living in the US as my adopted country, I followed all of the events you describe every day on the news. The war dominated our tv at the time. My dad was a WW11 vet, he flew in the heavy bombers over Germany, he would never speak of the war at home. I am most grateful you have provided this intimate window of the warrior experience and it’s affect on the soul. My brother and I joined the army in the mid 70’s when it was still a four lettered word, Though it didn’t take long to realise a garrisoned army was not a very exciting place to be, with the exception of a quick tour in Europe during the cold war 70’s era.
I left the Army for the National Police Force and enjoyed every second of it, knowing the mind numbing boredom of winter nights alone in a northern remote small town to the instant terror of looking down the barrel of a .44 magnum. I can tell you the hollowpoints in the cylinder either side of the barrel look immense! Firing it may be exciting… talking it down is pants wetting exhilarating! I finished my career at the national HQ level after 25 years as a Forensic Reconstructionist, 35 years in policing and 5 military.
All that to say I find your writing mesmerizing ! I don’t see any words beyond the opening letters, images, actions, emotions flow from the page like colours and smells. I know them and feel them. I would be useless to try to help with editing as for me, it is such a wonderful journey beyond words more like shared understanding. We seem to view the world through a similar lens and filter, I feel at home in your mind, thank-you for sharing your amazing story! All that we know make us all that we are, you are an extraordinary author and person. Thank-You for reminding me I am not all that crazy! Just because most people cannot know what I / We who have lived a life of duty know.
What can I saw to this wonderful tome, my friend. The compliment is so riveting I had to keep rereading, hence my time in getting back to you.
I am so thrilled that you wrote so much about you and how you feel and have felt. I can be real lonely out here when the truly valid combat guys
get older. So many of the combat survivors die younger, as we both know.
glad you are still here and saying what you are saying.
Your friend,
Your a great writer Jim. I rented a place in San Clemente across from the pier in 69. Looking forward to your next chapter. Semper Fi from an 0311!
Thanks for the compliment, Jim. Yes, that was some area in its day, when they groomed the beaches and the beach shacks served such great food.
Not like that today, at all.
Semper fi,
This takes me back – had a very brief and cursory look at the 1972 political campaigns. Your story is not much stranger than mine. Army EOD which you mention in your last book, the “crab” specialty badge, provided all the bomb disposal support (on land) for the Secret Service branch TSD. We covered presidential candidates, visiting high value VIPs (like Golda Meyer), conventions and the inaugurations. There was one unit that covered just DC. Except for what we called “playing Polish mine detector’ (trying to kill ourselves with every known way on electrical circuits, cars, etc. after searches) it was mostly boring AF standing post up to 12 to 16 hours a day on some entrance searching bags and boxes, etc. 21, wearing coke bottle glasses, a bad haircut, & a ill-fitting suit I doubt anyone thought I was anything but military, though it was classified to admit who we were in those polarized, paranoid times that remind me so much of today. I saw Teddy Kennedy a few feet away talking to McGovern. Covered Shriver, Nixon, & Agnew. I listened to them talk about Watergate in November 72. I had no concept I was witnessing history and the movers and shakers of tomorrow when I searched handbags at the entrance to the Inaugural Youth Ball in Jan. 73. I bet I was searching women’s bags of people in the headlines 20 to 30 years later. Never entered my childish mind then.
Thanks so much for your rendition of your own experiences SSG. Yes, a lot like my own. I never even thought once about living history or rubbing shoulders with all
those people who would become so famous. Thanks for the contribution.
Semper fi,
Too heavy for a belt holster so carried while hunting and concealed with a a sport coat. A lot of deer went down with that 357?
was it a camo sport coat?
James, this is your best writing
30 days was well done – a well told war story . Not everyone can relate to war or how you viewed war. The Lion is A human story- being in transition, in a strange new world and learning on the fly. All people can relate to this human experience . You offered then as you now the best in human existence. Facing a challenge, feeling discomfort- yet navigating the situation to survive and thrive. Chamberlain believed that “war is for the participants a test of character; it makes bad men worse and good men better. You came out much better because you are good man. Even if your readers hunt dear in a sport coat.
Bravo Zulu
It was interesting to sit next to you one evening, and take you in, so to speak. What an impressive brilliant man, but also quiet and seemingly unassuming.
You were and remain a delight.
I cannot thank you enough for this review and comment.
The compliment is deep and laced throughout your writing and it is received as it has been given…with great emotional thanks.
Who gets these kinds of reviews out here in this hard real world?
Not many, and I am proud to be one.
Semper fi, friend, and brother,
I can’t help but think the magnum was more for Haldamans ego than for any realistic purpose !!
Not far off, when it came to Haldeman, but there was a use….later on…
Semper fi,
Can’t wait 😲😁
Thanks for the compliment in that short comment Sgt.
Semper fi
Chief Clifford Murray and I started our Cadet Program. One year later I was full time. He was always a “class act”. He was inovative and not afraid to try new things.
Thanks Dwayne, as usual. Are you recovering well and quickly…since you seem to have gotten your mental mojo back?
Semper fi,
Could not agree more, Dwayne…
Semper fi,
You wrote: “Down to Del Mar and then the beach at the lifeguard headquarters,” the chief replied.
Not sure that Del Mar is maybe what you intended. Del Mar is miles south from San Clemente and way distant from the Chief’s jurisdiction.
Jim discussed Avenida Del Mar correctly

If you check a map of beautiful San Clemente you will see it is the “Main Street” down to the beach from the Pacific Coast Highway.
Used to breakfast there most mornings.
James LT Junior God Bless You Sir Salute Have to remember to breath when I read Your Stuff Drive on Down Range is No Longer Clear If Anyone is down range repeat after me Our Father ………….
George…we wre not at a range. We were out in an open field, and the man was an idiot showing off to a bunch of recruits, if you are referring to what I wrote Dwayne as a comment.
Thanks for the observation though and for following me through the labyrinth….
Semper fi,
George, you are absolutely correct. We were in a big field, however, not at a range. The guy was showing off for the boots and an idito.
Semper fi,
A close relative of mine regularly shoots a Super Blackhawk.44 mag with stock grips. I fired a couple of rounds and had enough. On the final shot, it almost fell out of my hands. I immediately blamed the grips, but the truth be known both of my hands felt like they were ringing like a 10 penny finishing nail hit with a greasy ball peen hammer!
Thanks Dave, for the supporting comment and putting your own experience up on here.
Semper fi,
Another great chapter. Part of me wants to wait so I can read the whole story but I’ve never been good at waiting. President Nixon was an enigma. My personal feelings were formed as a result of his offering one of his two appointments to the Air Force Academy. As the son of an active duty NCO I qualified. Your writing is at a very level IMO. Your courage in allowing the crowd editing says a lot about your confidence.
Thanks Chris. How could I not accept the help here. So meaningfully given, the editing, the advice and the questions, not to mention the compliments.
Thanks for wanting the story so badly. That’s a great compliment right there!
Semper fi,
Very interesting read. I do enjoy your stories !!!
Thanks Roger, much appreciate the compliment.
Semper fi,
The 44 magnum with a 4″ barrel I found too much recoil for a 2nd even semi accurate shot. Thought it would be the best handgun for deer and bear hunting. Sold it for a Ruger Security Six 357 magnum with a 2″ barrel in stainless steel. Too heavy for a belt holster so carried while hunting and concealed with a a sport coat. A lot of deer went down with that 357
Shooting deer with a handgun is quite a feat. You must spend a lot to time at the range. You can’t exactly get too close to most deer.
Thanks for your evaluation, founded in solid experience and knowledge. Appreciate the compliment of you putting it up on here too.
Semper fi,
A long time ago I decided I needed more challenge on deer so I chose a .357 mag Rossi cyclops 5 inch ported slab barrel. That thing was a dream to shoot extremely accurate. Killed a lot of deer and hogs as long as they were inside 50 yards they were meat on the table. Used it several years until I went to a bigger challenge and started hunting with a bow. Now the only weapons I carry in the woods is my .45 and occasionally my daughter rifle if she gets tired just trying to teach her the skills I was taught along with a few I learned along the way. Anyway the .357 impressed me so much I built my daughter a rifle in .350 legend which is you guessed it a .357 bullet sitting inside a .223 case.
thanks for all the background on your own ballistics experience. I am right there with you all the way.
Happy New Year, and thanks for the great complex comment and the compliment of its writing.
Semper fi,
“He’d come perilously close to meeting Junior”. He had no freaking idea. Hell of a chapter LT, I await these as much as I did when you were in the Valley. Semper Fi.
Thanks Mike. I was truly uncertain, when I started Cowardly, whether anyone would care about it at all. There’s not all the violence, terror
or physical misery of Thirty Days…although look for violence to reappear, as well as a different kind of fear.
Semper fi, and thanks for the compliment too.
I went to Rio Hondo after you “The Staff asked about the Reserve Officer that carried that carried that big assed gun”. I assured them that you were alive and well!
Dwayne. One day, in training ‘lab’ we were out on the open part of the then pretty wild outback of the campus. It was a
demonstration area away from things so as to be able to fire the new canister gas gun. The tear gas gun was like an M79 grenade launcher.
The demonstrating sheriff saw some kids on bikes riding near the fence inside our area. He pointed the gas gun up and said: “this ought to scare the hell out them and let ’em know this is private property” and prepared to fire. I stood up in the class, took out the .44, pointed it at him and told him I’d shoot him if he pulled the trigger. I knew enough to know that if the gas gun fired the canister and it hit one of the kids it would probably kill him. The place went wild. The sheriff didn’t fire, but I was taken out of the class, at least until it was time to go through the gas tent. They put me in the tent and tortured me, of course, to get even. That’s the real story I haven’t told in the chapters, as to why I was a mess afterward and barely able to drive home.
Thanks for being here Dwayne, and still being you.
Semper fi,
How many people are you answering to at this stage of your life?
I wasn’t sure Paul…as I was following the Marine saying: “If you can’t baffle them with your bullshit then dazzle them with your footwork.”
Thanks for the question and writing it on here for everyone else to enjoy.
Semper fi,
Another very good chapter, Jim. Always enjoy reading each new chapter – you draw and hold my attention very well.
Looking forward to reading more of your contacts with the “big cheeses” of the Nixon world.
Police Chief is a very good character.
Thanks Craig. Yes, the Chief was something else again, sort of like a combination of Andy Griffith and Barney in Mayberry.
The times they were strange for me back then…but then, when have they not been for me?
Appreciated the support and the compliment…
Semper fi,
Getting more and more interesting!
I saw Nixon on Martha’s Vineyard when I was a kid… it was around the time of his impeachment… he was staying on a yaght in Edgartown and was accompanied by two huge secret service guys… I had just come out of the paper store after getting off work,, picking up garbage in a 2 block radius around the Dairy Queen, I wanted to go back in and get a couple more packs of base ball cards and get another look at Nixon, but the big guy with sun glasses and a suit just shook his head at me from the inside and I left….
I’m loving your book sir!
Did any of your men make it out of the valley?
As always, Dave
Thanks for you own experience with Nixon and the crew that worked around him. Once inside the Secret Service just kind of disappeared as long as we were all cleared to be near him.
Nixon didn’t talk to lowly types like security though.
Semper fi,
I love Jim’s description of Chief Murray as the Combo is spot on.
However, the Chief exhibited great leadership ability
He was police chief from 1958 to 1974, the longest tenure of any of the 12 chiefs in the 65-year history of the San Clemente Police Department.
LT in thinking about that 44 Mag, The short barrel and the fireball you described tells me that a bunch of the powder is being burnt outside of the barrel (the fireball) The high density bullet is making me think the govt is thinking in their worst case scenario mindset. Thinking you would be shooting at someone wearing armor ( maybe someone backed and financed by a foreign power) in an assignation attempt. It does sound like a good weapon to shoot someone hiding behind the refrigerator in your next door neighbor’s house! I had a 44 Mag once and shooting it wasn’t too bad but it had a 9 inch barrel and I wasn’t shooting tungsten bullets. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. I do have to say your life has had more twists and turns than a snake with seizures! Keep up the good writing.
I will be speaking or writing to the points you have made as this goes on.
Thanks for the speculation written here, as obviously you have some pretty solid ballistics knowledge.
Semper fi,
A few editing suggestions below. I really enjoy your writing.
“Would you mind not mentioning the .44 to anyone?” I asked, afraid that just by ordering such a destructive device, and both I and that being tied to the Western White House…
There was a downside to being married to a beautiful but brilliant woman. There were some things I just could not or did not want to discuss.
“Not our vehicle, at least not yet, and we don’t have permission to be anywhere on or near the Nixon estate area,” the chief replied.
I guided the Bronco onto the dry Cotton’s beach sand, pulled up directly in front of the estate, and turned off the ignition.
Sincerely appreciate the quality editing assistance here. It is so hard to read my own work and spot
the errors and wording that could be so easily made better. You have made some of it better.
Semper fi,
As someone on Hogan’s Hero’s said, “very interesting”!
Nice compliment Buck!
Semper fi,
I can fully relate to shooting a 44 Mag revolver with a 4” barrel. Fired one round from a friend of mines revolver. Both hands went nearly numb. No desire for a 2nd shot!!
Thanks for the accurate comment and your writing you own experience here.
Semper fi,
More twists and turns ! I agree about the 44, that’s why I like a .45. It never gets boring with Junior around!
Thanks Chuck, much appreciate the comment and sharing your own opinion here.
Semper fi,
Chief Cliff Murray on the left, was a leader.
The guy in the middle played a decent game of Gin
The sycophant on the right, Haldeman, was an insipid ass.
Never in my life could I have predicted all the twists and turns. Awestruck.
Thanks for the great comment and the compliment at the end….
Semper fi,
I can identify with you .44 experience. Firing a Ruger in .454 Casull with maxed out hand loads is more fun than a person can stand.
That Casull was a ‘bucket of ice’ weapon. You fired it, like the .44 and then plunged your hand into the ice water.
Thanks for the accurate comment.
Semper fi,
Nope Jim, not a Gun you shoot with a relaxed grip and slightly flexed elbows. Some of the old revolvers really had a sweet trigger. I have known people having to explain a cut in the forehead from the front sight of a .44 mag. Enjoying the story. Good job.
Thanks Joe, for the compliment and your own take on the ballistics.
Semper fi,
James; I enjoy reading your books. The thirty days hooked me, then the Cat, now The Cowardly Lion, not to mention Island in the Sand. I am now having a problem, each time I load your site I get a message “ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID” and it says you are going to steal my info. I have to bypass security to see each page.
I’ll get on it. Thanks for the heads up.
And also thanks for the loyalty and the compliment inherent in your writing about the work.
Semper fi,
I noticed your comment about the “ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”.
I believe Jim’s SSL security is up to date.
Your Browser may need an update.
That happened to me and now all is fine.
I enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for the writing and sharing.
Thanks H. Kemp, and of course for the continued support and commenting on here.
Semper fi,
Well done. Keep writing.
“You said the magic words,” the big man, walking to a counter and through a swinging. ( Add door or gate.)
thanks Paul, you were accurate and correct. Made the change. Thanks for the very necessary editorial help.
Semper fi,
The twists and turn are making me dizzy, Wow!!! When do you get assigned and double o number. Quite a rapid fire chapter, TY LT
Thanks for the compliment Bob, and nobody in government positions I ever heard of needed
an authorization number to do bad or violent (and bad) things! Loved Ian Fleming, though.
Semper fi,
I can’t wait to find out who your benefactor is! It seems the Corps didn’t have much confidence in Junior while in Nam but someone obviously saw the warrior and hero he really is. James you are become the Forrest Gump of the military!
Oh, come on. I speak very clearly Jack. The trick in the movie was to have Forrest
speak with stupid sounding wisdom while acting like a genius. I have no script
of course, although it always seems like someone is handing me one.
Semper fi,
how did you get this gig?
is it related to the high ranking officer Mary spoke to to get your return to Nam revoked ?and will it be revealed? Will the names be changed to protect the innocent?
Sorry i watched dragnet yesterday
come clean
I will ‘come clean’ later in the story Rich. The story has many twists and turns, as you already have
guessed. Trying to predict where this is going to go is just as difficult for those who didn’t live it (now)
as it was for me back then.
Semper fi, my friend,
Firing that 44 reminds me of the one time I fired a Desert Eagle chambered in 50. Only once and I was done. I thought it dislocated both elbows and shoulders.
At least the Desert Eagle was firing factory ammo and was an automatic wherein the slide takes up part of the recoil.
Not pleasant stuff, but not unfriendly if facing a full grown and angry grizzly in the bush!
Semper fi,
Great read James. Only editing might be the “gibberish typed” sent ace that’s confusing
Sentence please not sent ace
Where is the ‘sent ace’ in the story. I can’t find it.
Semper fi,
I think this is the sentence he is referencing. “ I looked at the gibberish typed for filling in on the requisition form and then looked back at Jake.”
Your writing is captivating. I anxiously await each new chapter.
USN, 1970-1976.
Thanks for the compliment and clarification Roger. I knew what I was trying to say but it sure as hell didn’t turn out
well as it was written!
Semper fi,
Where is the ‘ace’ reference in the chapter Robert?
Semper fi,
The “gibberish typed” mentioned is the paragraph beginning the requisition for uniform,weapon,etc..
“Pasted down the left edge before removing backing” of decals.. maybe Paste instead
Look forward to future chapters ..
Thanks for the editorial help here J.C. as it is so hard to read my own work and see the errors.
Nice work on explaining this.
Semper fi,
Sounds like a buffalo gun?
At some point, given the limited barrel volume and what little is in the chamber, packing more powerful or amounts of powder into the
cartridge would seem to be fruitless in increasing either muzzle velocity or energy, unless the energy is expended in the flash.
Yes, a buffalo gun in description, fits…..
Semper fi,
You sure know how to tell a story and reel in the reader.
Can’t wait for the next episode.
thanks Walter, and thanks for the support over time too.
Next episode is half written and more into this night.
Semper fi,