My wife’s comment reverberated through me to the core. The last thing I wanted or needed was for her to be exposed in any way to what was developing regarding my work with the people at the compound or what had become the Seven, now Eight Dwarfs. Richard’s unexpected easy association with her was uncommon, as well, which spoke straight to heart of who or what Richard might really be.

The yacht, supposedly owned by Ms. Cobb, a complete unknown out of nowhere, had been docked, and apparently left unattended in Dana Point Harbor. It’s appearance there, which had to be immediately checked out, had been done with lightning speed for no reason that I could figure out. The Navy, it was true, in fact the military in general, had no provision for interning and holding private property unless there was some legal reason for that possession. That might explain why the U.S. Navy wanted to get rid of it, but the speed with which it did was unsettling, to say the least.

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