The ride back into the harbor entrance at Dana Point went smoothly, the wind and waves were at our back and there was no traffic of boats or lines of fisherman along the sea walls to impede our progress. The sound of the dual MTU diesels, thrumming away underneath me, along with the very faint edges of seasickness still wanting to make an appearance from my lower body, made me sleepy but very relaxed…until I saw what was waiting at the end of the channel. There’d been no radio traffic coming out of Richard’s single side-band ship-to-shore radio while we’d been on the mission to the island so there was no chance of “see the man” kind of communication reaching me. I’d put the thought of the Western White House and its players out of my mind during the cruise back to the harbor. Reality rushed back in at me as I looked upon the scene, however.

A black Lincoln was parked parallel to the water atop the channel’s end. It wasn’t parked legally, instead just sitting there near the very edge of the reinforced concrete serving as a ending buttress against the harbor water. I needed no communication with anyone to understand the situation. I knew exactly what the vehicle was and why it was there.

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