The Dwarfs, including Richard, had broken up the evening before, and I sat to consider what I was going to do about everything. Hoodoo had gone as far as he could in trying to find anything about the Cobb woman but had come to a dead end with one single minor violation for entering the country in Florida with an expired passport. The only surprising thing about it, other than providing a first name of Viola, was the fact that she’d been permitted to enter the country from Cuba with that out-of-date document. I knew Hoodoo was right when he said that any other information would have to come through someone at the compound, since intelligence agency and federal enforcement information wasn’t available in the public forum. Libraries would be useless to explore as police sources. Unless the woman had committed other violations of the law that were federal in nature then it was almost hopeless to search as states all kept their own legal information.

I sat drinking a bottomless cup of coffee at Tom and Lorraine’s restaurant on Del Mar Avenue, set in the very center of San Clemente trying to come to terms with everything that was going on.

Cowardly Lion Book One by James Strauss

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