It Wasn’t My War

a poem by

James Strauss


It wasn’t my war,
Not that stuff going on,
Not where it is or where it was.
It’s not my war,
Not now and over there,
For me it was right here,
Even though then I was there.
It’s not my war,
Not now and not anymore,
Because I came home,
And I don’t have to go anymore.
It’s not my war,
I don’t cry or dream about it,
I don’t complain or carry on,
Because I came home,
And I don’t have to go anymore.
It’s not my war,
But the voices won’t go away,
Like lyrics of an old score,
Because deep down I know,
They’re all my wars,
In hope,
I don’t have to go anymore.

Narrated Version


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