The Slanted News Media
How they handle the news. Being in the newspaper business at The Geneva Shore Report I am now much more aware of the ‘slant’ that mass media takes and how it seems to take it all together although, for the most part, I cannot see linkage demanding that.
Yesterday Donald Trump doubled down on his comments about Obama and Hillary being the founders of ISIS. That was following his monumental gaff he made in sending the gun nuts after Hillary and right after he did the ridiculous Khan pillaring. One, two and three and you’d think he would be out as a candidate.
But what happened in the news this morning? All three of my daily papers were in the driveway. I got coffee, reviewed yesterday’s Olympics on T.V. (I absolutely love the Olympics taking over so much of the news) and then read about Hillary. You see, the slant the papers took was not about Trump or his awful comments. It was about how Hillary is just as bad, how Hillary is not be trusted because of her emails and about how difficult it is for her to be liked, with a sidebar about how she won’t release her medical records. The only think I can think of, since all three of those papers are independent of one another, is that they are trying to make the presidential ‘race’ more of a race instead of the slam dunk it is headed for. In fact, it has to be. Trump has the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, the NRA, the Neo Nazi group and white pickup truck drivers getting their trucks repossessed. That’s it. Even rich people are dumping him (because if he pushes the button imagine how much they lose!). Yet, here we are with these three deep and cutting slants that are anti-Hillary.
I think it’s because she’s so far ahead. Is there any wonder why the public hates the media so quietly but so much?
In my case I am convinced that MEDIA is totally in the hands of a few elites, regardless party affiliation. Their agenda is total Globalization and in order to gain that supreme position they need an undereducated population unwilling or unable to THINK.
I read a book a few years ago that was actually written in the late 30’s
and it seemed so prophetic regarding how freedoms of choice can be easily eroded.
Here is an excerpt
Outwitting the Devil
Chuck, I believe you are correct saying that MEDIA is totally in the hands of a few elites but, I believe they are also WAY too partial to liberals. Clinton is allowed to say whatever she want and it may or may not be mentioned in a 3 sec. talk, yet Trump says something, (anything) that the media can run with and it’s headlines. Plus they don’t let it die down. The elite are running scared that they may not be able to keep their Globalization “running strong” as they thought they could because Trump is letting Americans know what is happening, just wish they would LISTEN and take heed. This is an election for the INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICA from the hands of the N.W.O.
I agree, Arlene.
This does seem to be a strange election cycle.
It seems all facets of media have slid into an abyss of Lies and Innuendo
and seem to have NO interest in reporting FACTS.
It is pretty obvious there is little to no research.
Of course the generations working have little understanding how to READ, RESEARCH and present.
They are like lemmings or Zombies. I can’t tell which.
Chuck, as far as the youth of today I don’t think we can really blame them for they have been raised using the “common core” teaching. I see it in my own 14 yr. old granddaughter. Thank God I get her to watch the news with me, and I point out to her “the lies” of what they are reporting as “truth”, and tell her “why” they are reporting it the way they are. I point out to her the bias they show and “WHY” they are supporting such a bad person. It isn’t something you can wait and do when your “children or grandchildren” are older, I have been teaching her about this and other things since she was in maybe, 4th grade. She has even confronted a few of her teachers with what she knows about what they are teaching and believe it or not, they end up quitting the debate with her. She is well informed and knows her stuff… But we “oldsters” won’t be around forever to teach the youth the truth so what we need is a media, that is owned by the American People who are not told WHAT to say but told to report the TRUE FACTS.