Four more episodes of Chickenman, the Fearless Feathered Fighter of Felons.

Chickenman, by illustrator, Michael Walberg
Chickenman radio shows were welcomed and put a smile on many weary Marines and other service personnel in the Vietnam War, through Armed Forces Radio
Enjoy the fun and please comment below and share your reactions to Chickenman.
Episode 13
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rumford, from Dubuque, are so gracious in allowing the White Winged Warrior access to their telephone for an urgent call.
Episode 14
Oh my Gosh, poor Benton Harbor (aka The White Winged Warrior, Chickenman) meets a person who messes up the Top Secret Procedure to contact the Commissioner. Whatever will happen now!
Episode 15
Up to now only 3 people knew about the real identity of the Feathered Fowl, known as the White Winged Weekend Warrior. Did Mildred Harbor let the secret out. And what will ever happen to poor Sadie Lechtner?
Episode 16
The White Winged Warrior visit old grammar school chum, Sadie Lechtner. “Benny”, as she remembers him, flies her to the moon? Will they ever get home?
im looking for complete chicken man radio to download via mp3’s write me ASAP!!!!! and tooth fairy ep! must be reliable sosuces
I read your short comment Ja, but failed to fully understand.
You apparently want a full download of all the Chicken Man material from the
Vietnam wartime expressions over AFRadio. You apparently want some sort of
proof of ‘reliability’ along with your request. I guess, until I might read more
from you, as to what your intentions are for the material’s use, your request is
denied. Write some more if you want to continue. All of our material is stored on
large audio tape reels and downloading it is labor intensive. Only some of our
vast amount of Armed Forces Radio material has been laboriously downloaded.
Semper fi,
Click….kkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, What the hail is that noise? Are we a news outfit or what!?? Kent…!!! Yes Mr. White?…. What, the noise? Actually…Who, Mr. White. Still, that’s just one color from three…Chief, and though Read before as Roger, Commissioner…the colonel was only a Peck to a JR. The sole survivor will be a HennyPenny! Just me two sense…mate!
Nothing like Chickenman. Nothing. Wild. Weird. Removed. Right there….
Thanks for the quotes…
Semper fi,
I was a meat cutter dureing that time and listened to chicken man every day. I am so glad to find out it brought you guys some joy and laughter. WELCOME HOME!!
Chickenman kept a lot of us semi-sane with wild laughter over there during that time. Glad you enjoy our dredging up the old shows.
Thanks for commenting and being here with us….
Semper fi,
One night on hill 37, I was on perimeter bunker duty and we had some small radios that were only good for talking from bunker to bunker since they only reached a couple hundred yards at best. They were two part radios that clipped onto your helmet. I do not remember what they were called… PRC-99 maybe… anyhow I had just got on duty and everyone was talking on those radios imitating Chicken Man. There was continuous chatter using their best Chicken Man voices and lots of Baak Baak Baak! I heard someone behind me and turned and was surprised to see the Battalion Commander walking up. I saluted and reported my post. He started talking asking general questions.. where I was from and such… Anyhow the whole time that little radio was going loud with the Chicken Man imitations… Finally the LtCol picked up the transmitter part of the radio and said “This is the battalion 6 actual, knock off all this unauthorized chatter!” The radio went silent for about 10 seconds and then a Chicken Man voice came on and said “Roger Commissioner, over and out!” I had to bite my lip to hold back laughing… The LtCol just smiled and said carry on and walked away into the night. About 5 minutes later I think every SNCO and Officer on the hill was out checking posts and wanting to know who said that… Of course I had the best alibi there was!
Jack, Chicken Man lives and breathes inside almost every one of
us who were out there. Sounds like you had a pretty solid and disciplined unit.
Back here the naked ridiculous philosophy and phony crap of most of all society
ring as true as they did back then. I wonder if the battalion Colonel knew who
the commissioner was.
Semper fi,
oOver the years ,Chicken Man, Chicken Man ,He’s everywhere ,he’s everywhere came into my mind and I thought it was from WLS Until now.Back in the rear with the beer and the gear. Thanks Junior carry on Semper fi
It was taken from WLS. The guy who made the segments was a preacher and he never
went to the Nam, much less to Nah Trang. found that out later though.
Semper fi,