Journaling Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic,
Reflection #71
May 29, 2020
What do you get, as a member of a social enforcement team or the team itself, if you decide that your million-strong combination of police agencies has 328,000,000 million citizens that used to be regular people, friends, family, or even just civilians hanging around, are the enemy. That you have to be afraid of them at every encounter? There is this new thing out, since 2019, called “Police Warrior Training,” and another selfish calculating bastard is making a fortune off of it at the expense of everyone in America.
Here’s the latest write-up on this clown and his ‘training,’ so far: “Warrior-style training takes a fear-based approach to policing that prioritizes officer safety over community safety by conditioning trainees to view all encounters as inherently dangerous. The most well-known examples are offered by retired Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman and his Grossman Academy.”
This kind of rotten training and preparation that leads to direct confrontation, invariably, and there’s the mess up in Minnesota to prove it. One million police officers in the U.S. cannot ‘fight’ 328 million of the newly designated ‘enemy.’ Even throwing in all of the militaries together the count only goes up to four million…again, do the math. With all these unemployed, fearful, hungry and very angry citizens just waiting for something, anything, to do, what is presented to them for ‘entertainment?’ Minneapolis. And more cities and states if escalation sets in. The National Guard has already been activated up in Minneapolis. Normally, that might be the end of it, and maybe, hopefully, that will end the looming nightmare now, but not necessarily, by any means. Escalation can turn into insurgency just as quickly and violently as this ignition of chaos, created by the loss of life of just one person, bloomed out of seeming nowhere overnight.
As I have been writing, the Cornovirus is not the worst killer to fear.
Rioting, looting undisciplined middle schoolers influenced by all the wrong things in our culture grow up into their twenties, thirties and throw a mob tantrum. They riot. Mixed in are George Soros anarchists. None of that had anything to do with George Floyd.
The genuine protesters had all gone home early.
If the mob returns tonight to riot and destroy, authorities need to step in immediately. Give them an inch to pacify them and they’ll destroy a mile.
Interestingly the Media makes little distinction.
Thanks for you input, Mike.
Jim: A short comment on the death at police hands that gone all over the world…several times. I am a Viet Nam veteran who reads and follows your THIRTY DAYS HAS SEPTEMBER and I have commented back to you several times and have another return from you due. After the Army I joined the Wichita, Ks. Police Department. I moved upwards thru the ranks and retired as the Deputy Chief of Investigations. I was fortunate to have been chosen to attend the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy. Needless to say I garnered a rather long list of additional training. The training you talk to here is exactly what some media branches wish to endorse as it sells air time and continues to make a mockery of our criminal justice system. The system has not failed us. Four officers did fail us and some believe the world will change because of their actions or lack there of. I can only hope and pray that intelligent fact based decisions will soon come to play and direct these citizens to take a breath before the next firebomb is unleashed. Grossman’s theology of police training has never been current and will never be so. He is like some politicians who scare folks with non facts and then lean on them for votes, as how the good life is gone and serious measures are now to be taken to save ourselves. God save the officers who are faced with some kind of recovery plan and the first responders who continue to provide those services no matter what the cause or issue.
Thank you, Steve, for your support and very detailed explanation of what should be common sense.
I personally concur: “Grossman’s theology of police training has never been current and will never be so”
Semper fi,
I’ve tried to tell anyone who will listen that the greatest danger facing us is not this virus, it is a 1929 type major depression that this country cannot survive. There are too many urban dwellers and not enough family farms to weather one this time. We need to wake up.
Your analysis regarding the Depression (financially and mentally) has merit.
But what might be missing is enough people who know how to wake up and be in control of their destiny.
Thanks for your input, Buck,