The Duke, Part Seventeen

The Duke, Part Seventeen

THE DUKE Part XVII It was difficult to get through the night, and then stay on to clean up the club after almost everyone else had left. Jimmy’s condition was unknown and Darren had no way to find out, except to go to Jimmy’s house and talk to his parents. Jimmy was...
The Duke, Part Fourteen

The Duke, Part Fourteen

THE DUKE Part XIV   Jimmy headed the Corvair around the tip of Diamond Head, only slowing in an attempt to avoid deeper runnels of mud that had flowed down from the mountain and across the road, that had only occurred a bit earlier.  The mud, if it got on the Spyder’s...
The Duke, Part Thirteen

The Duke, Part Thirteen

The Duke PART XIII Jimmy and Darren rushed back to Jimmy’s house through the pouring rain.  The rain, To Darren, felt warm and comforting simply because they were nearly invisible when they were out in it.  No one in their right mind, or on a serious mission, could be...
The Duke, Part Twelve

The Duke, Part Twelve

The DUKE Part XII The rain came the following morning.  Jimmie’s dad’s Corvair wasn’t going anywhere.  Although the convertible top seemed secure when the levers were pushed to hold the canvas and metal rod lattice work down securely, the pounding rain and wind of a...
The Duke, Part Eleven

The Duke, Part Eleven

THE DUKE Part XI With the Bofors rounds safely tucked into the padded back seat of the Corvair, Jimmy drove the machine down Kalakaua toward the zoo, this time his driving so slow and careful Darren couldn’t believe it.  Jimmy’s moving of the rounds from the front...

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