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THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXV

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXV

Nguyen let his Chinese version of a soup spoon settle into his bowl of traditional Korean soup. The sounds penetrating the thin walls assured that no listening devices, if planted and that didn’t seem remotely possible, would hear nothing. “When I stopped by your...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXIV

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXIV

I stared at the two security men in their strange civilian, but severe attire, in shock. How could I respond when there was no possibility of selling an American-based life insurance policy to citizens of another country without licenses or permissions? My device to...
Field Stripping, a Poem by James Strauss

Field Stripping, a Poem by James Strauss

FIELD STRIPPING By James Strauss What does it take to try to stay sane, Living a culture where life’s a pain, I work at assembly of my trip, Like the Colt I often field strip. Only eight pieces counting the clip, Taking apart my heart does a blip, Boxes of ammo never...


  Detective Hoodoo instructed Gularte and I to depart the beach scene, as he and the ‘team’ of lifeguards would handle the situation from then on. He’d already given that order but neither Gularte nor I had moved. Instead of re-issuing the earlier command he...

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