Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part XIII

Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part XIII

ISLAND IN THE SAND Book II Part XIII The sand played out before her, and the mild wind ate away any moisture she’d carried through whatever device she’d traveled in, to the point where Star Black felt she might evaporate herself. The place she was in was inhospitable...
Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part XII

Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part XII

Harriet worked for a few seconds on the keyboard. She didn’t even have to step back before a shudder went all through the house, followed by an underground muffled boom that reverberated for several seconds more. When silence once more pervaded the space, Star looked...
Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part X

Island In The Sand, Book 2, Part X

ISLAND IN THE SAND ~ BOOK 2 PART X Star stood in the cave, staring at the machined walls of metal. She knew instantly where she was, although the shock of being in a conversation back at the dwelling while looking out over the valley below, and then instantly standing...
Island In The Sand, Book 2 ,Part VII

Island In The Sand, Book 2 ,Part VII

ISLAND IN THE SAND Book II Part VII No sooner had Jameson secured the hatch, then Star realized that she had not asked or advised Jordan about the exact timing under which the careful shock tactic they were planning would be implemented. With Ninety-One no longer able...
Island In The Sand,Book 2, Part III

Island In The Sand,Book 2, Part III

ISLAND IN THE SAND Book 2 Part III Star Black stood in shock. Ninety-One’s voice but not Ninety-One, instead of some entity, another entity, that she had just been introduced to by no one at all. Star thought for a moment before commenting, knowing her comment was...

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