The Duke, Part Twelve

The Duke, Part Twelve

The DUKE Part XII The rain came the following morning.  Jimmie’s dad’s Corvair wasn’t going anywhere.  Although the convertible top seemed secure when the levers were pushed to hold the canvas and metal rod lattice work down securely, the pounding rain and wind of a...
The Duke, Part Eleven

The Duke, Part Eleven

THE DUKE Part XI With the Bofors rounds safely tucked into the padded back seat of the Corvair, Jimmy drove the machine down Kalakaua toward the zoo, this time his driving so slow and careful Darren couldn’t believe it.  Jimmy’s moving of the rounds from the front...
The Duke, Part Ten

The Duke, Part Ten

THE DUKE Part X Jimmy pulled the Corvair Monza Spyder up to the curb, parking parallel, right in front of the steps that led into the Lewis of Hollywood hairstyling salon where Darren’s mom worked. Jimmy jumped out of the car without opening the door, one of his...
The Duke, Part Nine

The Duke, Part Nine

THE DUKE PART IX  Darren slept fitfully in his bedroom at the house on 16th Avenue.  His brother had left for the Mainland, and St. Norbert College months before, so he had the whole room to himself.  Darren would be going to the same college if he lived that long. ...
The Duke, Part Eight

The Duke, Part Eight

THE DUKE Part Eight Jimmy pulled on both oars, his skinny body bending forward and then back like a single reed of bamboo in the wind. There was no discussion about whom would do the rowing.  Jimmy was so adept and happy at performing the seemingly simple task that...

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