The Plight of Reality, From The Wilderness

The Plight of Reality, From The Wilderness

FROM THE WILDERNESS Plight of Reality by James Strauss   The door into reality gapes open, swinging wide and then slamming shut, as pain and frightened alienation leave anyone left alive and standing…staring in paralyzed wonder at a closed surface once again veneered...
FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

FROM THE WILDERNESS WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD By James Strauss   Our studies of the universe cause us to cower inward, as if pulling back from the cold harshness of a raging blizzard just outside.  We retreat to the warmth of our fireplaces, radiating with warmth and...
FromThe Wilderness, Article One Hundred Four

What a Wonderful World, From The Wilderness

FROM THE WILDERNESS WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD By James Strauss   Our studies of the universe cause us to cower inward, as if pulling back from the cold harshness of a raging blizzard just outside.  We retreat to the warmth of our fireplaces, radiating with warmth and...
Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #68

Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #68

Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic, Reflection #68 May 26, 2020 Learning to deal with the depression of alienation. Without understanding the teachings and long, hard and controversial accumulation of social data leading to social conclusions, the...

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