THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VIII

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VIII

I drove to Kris Anderson’s winery and looked around. The place seemed dead with no cars around or even a pick-up. There were plenty of collections of heavy earth-moving equipment surrounding the huge warehouse where I presumed most of the winery was run, wine was...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VI

A sense of great power, seemingly not entirely rational, overcame me as I felt the bottom of the balloon basket leap upward, causing my knees to bend slightly. A simple brass lever being moved less than an inch had released tens of pounds of propane instantly, to be...
Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 12

Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 12

Arch stared down at the little radio he held in his hand. A team player at the other end had asked for a communications check, apparently from Ringo. Arch was being given a chance to hold the enemy off or blow the whole thing completely…

Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 13

Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 13

Arch had never flown the particular model of Beechcraft they would be inside. He knew, whether he flew the plane or not, he was about to once again endanger the only three beings on the planet who seemed to give a damn whether he lived or died.

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