The Duke, Part One

The Duke, Part One

THE DUKE A Novella by James Strauss  Darren worked every Saturday morning at the Cannon Club to clean the place for evening dinner.  The Officer’s Club was not large so he was the only busboy, just as he’d been the only slop boy the year before.  The promotion had not...
Yakuza, Chapter XV

Yakuza, Chapter XV

YAKUZA Chapter XV Lauren surfaced in the rolling roiling and broken waters of the Molokai Express, the powerful vessel above him allowing only the bright glow of reflected light to appear along under it’s rising and falling twin hulls. Both ends of the vessel, rising...
YAKUZA,  Chapter XIV


The Navatek ripped through the torn sea at high speed; its passengers isolated twenty feet above the wild close combat of ten-foot cross-swells fighting it out for dominance. The Molokai Express was actively at its most dangerous, as offshore winds were reaching...

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