ELEANOR…A Short Story
Eleanor, A Short Story No politics. No crime. Just a good story. Probably not believable. I call the story ‘Eleanor.’ One day three years ago I was at my office when a hundred dollar bill turned up in an unmarked envelope. My people at the Geneva Shore...
Island In The Sand, Part V
ISLAND IN THE SAND Part V Star motioned behind her to keep the children back. The chamber they’d discovered was stunning, not so much for its huge size but even more than that because it had obviously been built by the men and women who’d preceded the impact of the...
Arch Patton, Thunder Marine, Chapter Five
“Doesn’t matter what you got,” the imitation Errol Flynn DEA agent said, standing behind the front desk. “Twenty thousand bucks down to take it for a spin. Otherwise, bring in a marine surveyor and check it out all you want for nuthin.”……

Arch Patton, Down in the Valley, Chapter 1
How in hell he came to be lying in cloying dismal mud at the base of an extinct Hawaiian volcano eluded Arch Patton. He just lay there, trying to catch his breath…..