The Duke, Part Sixteen

The Duke, Part Sixteen

THE DUKE Part XVI   Darren moved toward the Moana Hotel, using the hot sidewalk instead of the more protective cooler sand along the shore.  He’d left his flip flops in the car, but it had only occurred to him that he’d done so when he began his trek back to the...
The Duke, Part Fifteen

The Duke, Part Fifteen

The Duke Part XV   How had the cop known that Jimmy was a military brat, and therefore needed transport to the Naval Hospital at Tripler instead of Queens or some place closer and private? Why was the Army coming? And why were the cops acting so weird, like a...
THE NINTH DAY, 30 Days Has September

THE NINTH DAY, 30 Days Has September

The rest of the night passed in mud, a penetrating mist returning to add some sort of cutting liquid thinner to the blood being sucked in by the feeding mosquitos. There was no more firing or explosions that I was aware of, as I lay in my semi-comatose state replacing real sleep.

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