Cetan and Tama gathered leaves into the sunset, only stopping from making their runs back and forth to the fire in order to eat what fish the women had cooked. There were no meal times. They ate when they had food until they were full and then saved what they could to eat again as soon as they grew hungry. The only rule was that they only ate when they were all together. The boy noted, as he’d watched the women work on preparing food over the past few days, that they were very quick and accurate with their hands, without seeming to pay any attention of training. Convincing the women to help with the making of the amount of rope that would be called for turned out to be the least of their problems. The women went at the braiding enthusiastically to the point that the warrior and the boy had to work full time simply to supply them with the stalks and leaves necessary for the construction.

When they were ready, with a reasonable approximation of how much of the braided line would be needed, Cetan and the boy hauled coil after coil down to the lower river bed closer to the rocks dotting along the river just above the waterfalls.

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