Journaling Reflections of the Coronavirus (CIVID19) Pandemic 2020
April 11, 2020
And the beat goes on.
I am sorry to report, although you’ve no doubt read or heard it elsewhere, that Michigan has banned home to home visits, travel to cottages or even visiting relatives nearby. This move by Michigan’s leadership is supposedly all about keeping people who have vacation homes in the country from fleeing the urban areas where the virus is supposedly more prevalent and virulent. That’s the logic. If you chanced to live an urban area…then sit there and roast, is the logic, not discussed.
That the U.S. Constitution is being set aside, or simply shredded at the feet of thinking Americans everywhere, appears to be evident, and now besides the point. The leadership of states and the federal government of the USA have figured out that they can do what they damn well please, and that those rules and laws driven into the very fiber of every citizen as rights, responsibilities and grand effects gifted by the U.S. Constitution, are now null and void.
In the name of safety. In the name of fairness.
In the name of care.
In the name of every other sort of excuse that can be created in dimly lit meeting rooms of congressional and executive power buildings constructed and operated across this country.
Finally, in the name of a virus that begins to appear more and more convenient every single day…and begins to keep combat veterans up every single night. Waiting to get ready. Getting ready to get ready…again.
I fought for the fair application of those rules and laws guaranteed by that vital document. I bled for that application, and for all of us who believed, and I hope believe, as I did.
Now, I must consider, at my older age, about whether I must once more be called back into that awful valley of the shadow of death. Will all these lost freedoms be returned to the nation or do some of us have to take them back? Will the constitution be re-instated, or do some of us have to go to Washington, take it down from the Smithsonian and then put it back in forcefully steeped in blood?
I’ll be up tonight. I’ll keep a light on for you.
The virus is a excuse to give the rich greater control. This much is clear if you watch the medias coverage. I am concerned by the powers that be that are only looking out for themselves. The average joe is only a tool to be used.My knowlegde of the constitution is slim. I can agree that the time to prepare is here, But any attempt to enforce the constitution will need a goodly amount of the military to back you up or you will only accomplish what Timothy McVeigh did. For now prepare and wait.
You don’t need a knowledge of the constitution anymore. It’s nowhere to be found in any of this. These emergency powers were dreamed up years ago, when they were
thought to be needed in case there was nuclear war. Only recently did the powers that be figure out that something like the virus might allow them to be
dictators and I sure as hell don’t know why so many men and women want to be that…
Semper fi,
It is heart wrenching to imagine what it would take to sort this out. Neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother in my sad case. But sort it we must. Tens of thousands – such as yourself have fought, bled and many died to keep these rights, We will not fail. Pick me up on the way south on 47 through Woodstock… I’ll carry your pack and anything big and heavy, I am good for that!
You have just become number 2 in the platoon that is building. We can live or die with the virus.
We can only die without our freedom.
Thanks Christopher….
Semper fi,
How far do they think they can stretch this Pandemic myth before they are stopped? I believe you have the right of it.
I am not at all certain they can be stopped. The nation bowed down on bent knees. That’s a hard position to spring up from.
Right now, quietly, they are talking about the dissolution of the U.S. Postal system. That move alone, if pulled off, would
spell almost irreversible damage to the fabric of the nation. One more step…added to the others…and yes, they are beginning to appear to be goose steps.
Semper fi,
When you are ready… Let me know. I’ll call up reinforcements or you can relocate your FOB. Plenty of food,water, and concealment. Leadership and gathering of forces are non existent. Everyone seem to be content of trying to go it alone. If you are seriously considering coming out of retirement pm me. I may be able to assist.
I cannot thank you enough for that vote of confidence. Glad I don’t have to call in any artillery to prove myself this time around! I don’t know what to expect with what is developing but I
have a pretty bad feeling about the whole thing. Maybe it will all slide backwards into what it was like before in a few months, but I don’t get that feeling. No, I don’t think I might have to
go it alone if,in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…but the motivation will have to be powerful,
the cause just and the need beyond the pale….
Semper fi, and I am starting the enlistment list with you at the top….
Been pretty much house bound for the duration, living 140 miles from the Big city, we still feel it up here, near Albany. Coping best we can, I recently retired in December so no loss of work for me, Wife has great boss and keeping us going with her just having to work 1 day a week, he applied for that SBA grant to cover his payroll after he gets thru this. So all in all ok. We have had over 30 deaths up here , it is real, have a daughter that is a RN at an Albany hospital, she can attest to that. Hang in there LT
Thanks Bob, much appreciated, the info and the support…and you have it back…
Semper fi,