Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19),
Reflection #75
June 12, 2020
Of course, the virus is back?
What were you thinking? The racial protests are quieting and there’s no civil disturbance violence or looting to be covered. The mass media does not simply sit there through the long nights anymore, waiting for stories to turn up that might continue the sales and popularity cycle through the next day. These selfish cretin run organizations now plan and plot their way through. They’ve gotten used to this new ‘reality television’ stuff and they cannot now shed their addiction to the attention or the money…or the innate and hugely unadmitted power.
So, back they went, early in the morning yesterday, to interview some of the disbanded and disgruntled experts previously assembled by Trump, to be the leadership force against the spread of the disease. Well, gee golly, what do you suppose they all said, these angry experts? Horrors. Coming spikes of huge proportions. The sky is falling. That’s what they said, and, accordingly, the sky fell…at least on the stock market.
I can’t find any viability or truth in following any of the virus-related numbers anymore. Who can follow those numbers, when they are based on nothing at all. More testing?
I guess so. Because there are now more people being tested, but then testing is not the only way to be deemed to have the virus. That can be the opinion of a ‘clinician,’ whatever or whoever that might be. Deaths? Well, gee golly, there is no huge backlog of autopsy results being rushed to analysis and publication. Nope. People die and then the ‘clinician’ determines that the cause was the virus. There’s more opinion tied up in these virus numbers than in all of politics today, and that’s a load. The mass media has the virus in reserve, just in case Al Sharpton or General Milley, or one of those people is not able to fully grab America’s attention and shake it by its stacking swivel.
What is tomorrow’s outrageous news going to be? Oh, gee golly, tomorrow is Saturday. The media takes a bit of a rest for two days, except for the empty-headed interviews being assembled today and Saturday/
Monday is coming….get ready.
A lot of things I don’t know,if 95 % of tests are negative why are those 95% getting a test? Do they have symptoms? How are they selected? From what I know if I had a test today and it proved to be negative in 24 hours before the results came back I could have been exposed and caught a dose of the virus . I could test negative today and positive tomorrow. Without some symptom the test is useless.The end result of 95% negative only proves one thing—somebody is making a lot of money. The cloth mask is only 17-18 % effective,that means if every living human being wears one I still have 80% chance of being infected. The odds are not in my favor. Are they making Christmas theme masks yet or ones that say “I survived 2020”
Great questions, Carroll.
The Virus is real.
The total impact is difficult to analyze because of the lousy information available.
Most important, you and your family stay safe and healthy.
James, you are so right about the mainstream media and their relentless news cycle. We discerning citizens continue to search for truth. I agree with you that the “experts” at WHO, CDC and elsewhere destroyed their credibility early on. BTW, your reference to “stacking swivel” brought back a memory from my early Navy career when I attended a training course for Navy civil engineers (Seabees). The instructor was a retired Marine, now working as civilian employee and was lecturing on the DOD’s financial process. Anyway, he interjected a funny story about a Gunny grabbing someone by “the stacking swivels”. I’ve always remembered that visual reference.
I appreciate your support and the sharing of you ‘experience’ with
“stacking swivels”
Semper fi,
I’m with you, James. The need for control by the government gets ever more frightening. Get that last chapter of 30 done before they find an excuse to ban it!
Thank you, Buck.
The final segment is tortuous, but I am diligently staying the course.
Semper fi,
From the beginning every so called expert has had they’re own ‘guesses’ of the solutions, stats and outcome of the virus. So much so that they made themselves untrustworthy! I’ve seen so many stories of deaths caused by other illnesses, but listed as from the coronavirus, that it makes me sick too. It’s time we start living our lives without this fear. With minimal precautions we should be worry free. Besides, none of us are getting out of this world alive anyway!
I tend to agree with your summation, Bob
I do feel Common Sense precautions should be followed.
This has emerged as a wonderful playbook for HOW RO grab power.
Semper fi,
The narrative of the msm becomes increasingly obvious with every passing day. wall to wall coverage of George Floyd and news blackout on Seattle occupation. My bullshit meter is pegged at max level. D 4/31 69-70
At least you are not alone in that feeling, Ron
Your skepticism is justified and I am with you on this matter. It is all made up madness.
One thing I need to point out is I have children that are part of the millennials age group and there is zero trust in the media or the government in this group of citizens. They do not believe anything coming out of their mouths.
Yes, Bill.
I have also observed the skepticism of media by intelligent Millennials.
Thanks for your input.
There is informed and unformed skepticism. The latter is void of knowledge, void of intellectual discernment. In other words, it’s the sound of one empty head flapping.
Informed skepticism is engaged and dispassionate, intellectually alert and discerning, and questioning especially its own premises and conclusions.
So much we have to put up with is base mob mentality, cliched experience and superficial sound bites signifying omission, distortion and mendacity.
We have submitted to government running our lives. Oh and now the test has proved we no longer think for ourselves. I’m no longer willing to accept their rules while I die looking at theses walls. They are ruining a deneration of young people and killing the rest. I’m done.
Keep your resolve, Amon
The world needs your wisdom.
Tomorrow’s Sunday? Reflects on the accuracy of the rest of the tirade.
I am soo00 appreciative of your sharp eye in finding a typo.
This was going to be published on Saturday…
But I knew intelligent people would want to read this good stuff.
Enjoy your weekend.
Jim is right on point
If you want to know the status of the virus you have to examine the testing data. The news-entertainment media is sort of an indicator of what the issues may be but is by no means a definitive source of information.
You are correct, Ira.
Figures can Lie and we all know Liars can Figure