The Duke, Part Thirty-Eight

The Duke, Part Thirty-Eight

THE DUKE Part XXXVIII Darren followed Star into the home, expecting a party atmosphere, or to hear Elvis singing off in some corner of the living room like had been the case the previous time he’d met him. But there was none of that. Instead, once he made the turn...
The Duke, Part Thirty-Three

The Duke, Part Thirty-Three

THE DUKE Part XXXIII Jimmy and Darren climbed the steps onto the small long lanai that ran out from the center of the main building, and a low white fence made of what looked like narrow bowling pins.  There were Koa wood chairs, of the most expensive sort, lined...
The Duke, Part Thirty

The Duke, Part Thirty

THE DUKE Part XXX The night’s work was one of intent busy work, Darren running back and forth to the kitchen from all dining positions out on the open floor.  A small musical group played on the small stage set behind the open-air dance floor.  Darren avoided the...
The Duke, Part Twenty-Nine

The Duke, Part Twenty-Nine

THE DUKE Part XXIX Work at the club was different.  Darren could sense it as soon as he walked in.  The waitresses did not look at him or talk to him.  It was like he was not there at all. Normally, their chatter was all over the place, since there were, as yet, no...
The Duke, Part Twenty-Seven

The Duke, Part Twenty-Seven

THE DUKE Part XXVII   Jimmy trotted toward the great concrete arch of the Natatorium while Darren hung back, moving slowly but steadily toward the couple.  The Duke was wearing his usual ‘uniform’ consisting of a white short-sleeved shirt, cotton trousers, and leather...

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