It Is All About the Money…

It Is All About the Money…

All About the Money It is about the money. Where did it come from? First two trillion, and now three more. The gross revenue from all sources for the country was only 20 trillion. The total taxes collected in 2019 was 3.46 trillion. In 2018 it was 3.22 trillion. Where...
Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #36

Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #36

Journaling the Coronavirus (COVD19) Pandemic, Reflection #36 April 19, 2020   As the nation shuts down. Although the door is closed and the signs are up, the nation has not achieved full shut down status just yet. The effects of shutting down are what I am...
Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #32

Coronavirus (COVID19), Reflection #32

Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic, Reflection #32 April 17, 2020   Think of a bicycle. The bike is fine at speed. It remains upright and directionally easy to turn, to slow, to speed up and more. But, if the bike slows way down, the stability brought...

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