Kris Anderson kept moving, looking around my office, which unaccountably had a wood fireplace set in one corner. “Nice idea,” he said, pointing at it, “wish I’d thought that far when I was building the winery.” I thanked him but didn’t inform him about Allen Weh...
CLASSIFICATION Newsreel By James Strauss The U.S. system of declaring documents, and or actions, confidential, Secret, Top Secret, or above Top Secret, is called (regarding the implementation of procedures and rules) the Registered Publications System (commonly...
THE RAIDER Newsreel The FBI recently served a warrant on Trump’s home in Florida. The warrant was a search document that specified classified documents illegally removed from official depositories and never returned when the President became the ex-President. No...
YAKUZA Chapter II The altercation came after the end of his first week in his new job as bartender at Zippy’s. That he had lasted the week without complaint had earned him dinner every night, before his shift began. Ochuru called him in and gave him the...
CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN Cochon II Our van made it four blocks before getting pulled over. Over the top of the stacked luggage I saw that we were not being stopped by a marked vehicle. It was a sedan with one of those portable ‘Kojak’ red lights stuck to its...