From The Wilderness, Article Twelve

From The Wilderness, Article Twelve

CLASSIFICATION Newsreel By James Strauss   The U.S. system of declaring documents, and or actions, confidential, Secret, Top Secret, or above Top Secret, is called (regarding the implementation of procedures and rules) the Registered Publications System (commonly...
From The Wilderness, Article Five

From The Wilderness, Article Five

THE RAIDER Newsreel   The FBI recently served a warrant on Trump’s home in Florida.  The warrant was a search document that specified classified documents illegally removed from official depositories and never returned when the President became the ex-President.  No...
Yakuza, Chapter II, by James Strauss

Yakuza, Chapter II, by James Strauss

YAKUZA Chapter II  The altercation came after the end of his first week in his new job as bartender at Zippy’s.  That he had lasted the week without complaint had earned him dinner every night, before his shift began.  Ochuru called him in and gave him the...