THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter XI

I suddenly realized it was time to return to the base and continue the training. Deerhunter was a long movie, at just over three hours, but there was organizational work to be done to continue building a lesson plan and then maximizing the use of Nguyen and Kingsley....
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter IX

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter IX

I ran through the open garage and on into the house through the kitchen door. The living room was to my right and Marcinko was sitting on the couch that faced me and the television set angled to his right. Mary stood talking to him but had not seated herself. “What...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter VI

A sense of great power, seemingly not entirely rational, overcame me as I felt the bottom of the balloon basket leap upward, causing my knees to bend slightly. A simple brass lever being moved less than an inch had released tens of pounds of propane instantly, to be...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter III

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter III

I continued to stare at the man, wanting to ask how he’d come to be in my room through a locked door. As I prepared to recover myself from the shock and get back into the real world again, the bathroom door opened, and a rough looking man stepped out. “Oh, sorry, had...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter II

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter II

Pat came in through the closed door as I got off the phone. Her barging in part of the continuing exhibition of disrespect she’d been exhibiting from the beginning. No bonus apparently meant anything to her. “You want to knock in the future?” I asked her, pointedly....

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