THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XIX

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XIX

Matt pulled a folded-up package from one of the overly large breast pockets of his vest. The special photographer’s vest he’d gone on and on about earlier because of the new store on Del Mar in San Clemente called the Banana Republic. The place catered to men in what...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XII

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XII

I opened the velvet-covered blue box and looked at the medal. There’d been no ‘pinning’ the medals to anyone’s chest, as I’d experienced in the Marine Corps. The medals and an eight-and-a-half by eleven blue plastic-covered certificates were handed out. The medal was...
Fusion II, From The Wilderness

Fusion II, From The Wilderness

FUSION II Newsreel By James Strauss   The announcement yesterday about the first real experiment in laser fusion that produce more energy than was spent in producing it was made with no fanfare at all.  The enormity of this scientific achievement was played down at...
Fusion II, From The Wilderness

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Nine

FUSION II Newsreel By James Strauss   The announcement yesterday about the first real experiment in laser fusion produce more energy than was spent in producing it was made with no fanfare at all.  The enormity of this scientific achievement was played down at every...