From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-One

THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS GIFT OF ALL Newsreel By James Strauss   You are not reading or seeing very much at all about this great Christmas gift in the papers, on television or even the Internet.  The greatest present of all is God’s delivery of fusion power to humanity...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Nine

FUSION II Newsreel By James Strauss   The announcement yesterday about the first real experiment in laser fusion produce more energy than was spent in producing it was made with no fanfare at all.  The enormity of this scientific achievement was played down at every...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Six

ELON Newsreel By James Strauss   Elon Musk is beginning to appear to be an unstable genius and, in controlling some of the areas of the American and even world culture, a truly dangerous unstable genius.  This man basically owns and runs the world’s largest...