Chickenman,  4 Episodes

Chickenman, 4 Episodes

In my series, Thirty Days Has September, the radio program Chickenman was brought to mind. Armed Forces Radio provided our troops, in the Vietnam War, the ‘opportunity” to listen to this inane and entertaining Radio series created by the genius of Dick...
THE THIRD DAY, 30 Days Has September

THE THIRD DAY, 30 Days Has September

Ham and Lima beans. Nobody wanted them so I took all four boxes. It was preferable to the sliced ‘spam’ I’d had before. The boxes had already been picked through for sugar and fake cream packets. I got a carton of cigarettes. Lucky Strike. I sat back against a big...


The radio music transmissions were supposed to stop at night but it was not full dark when my small team of scouts and radio operator went to work setting up shelter halves around them. I was afraid of the radio transmissions giving our position away. I smelled heavy...
THE SECOND NIGHT, 30 days Has September

THE SECOND NIGHT, 30 days Has September

Night didn’t come easily in the Nam. The day had been a blessing compared to my first night. Moving seventeen clicks through muddy rice paddies wearing a fifty-pound pack was its own form of misery, but the brutality of Marine training had kicked in and setting one...

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