From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

FROM THE WILDERNESS Newsreel By James Strauss   Ken Burns and Lynn Novick have made a ten part series about the Vietnam War, and it’s been making headlines for its truthful veracity.  These two “Hollywood-style” historians present that war, as they have presented...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Five

THE ELASTIC EFFECT Newsreel By James Strauss   Going back in time to the earlier great authors of science fiction, many of them presumed to write about insurrections of earth humans on other planets; those fictional humans living under the enslavement of aliens or...


I followed the Buck Sergeant down through the dark muddy aisle of the Da Nang Hilton. The aisle was strewn with back packs and other field equipment I could not help running into. My flight bag was tucked under the bunk, for whatever security that might provide.