My Country Tis of Thee, From The Wilderness

My Country Tis of Thee, From The Wilderness

FROM THE WILDERNESS My Country Tis of Thee by James Strauss   We’ve come upon hard times.  The perspective of almost every human being at any time through all of the species’ history indicates that this psychological position is the one most commonly held no...
My Country Tis of Thee, From The Wilderness

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred-Two

FROM THE WILDERNESS My Country Tis of Thee by James Strauss   We’ve come upon hard times.  The perspective of almost every human being at any time through all of the species’ history indicates that this psychological position is the one most commonly held no...
The Forest of Lost Reality, an Editorial

The Forest of Lost Reality, an Editorial

Forest of Lost Reality An Editorial from the Geneva Shore Report What has happened to explain this latest emotional iteration of social unrest that has been created by opinions about current circumstances rather than likely reality? I write about ‘likely reality’...
Hello America……

Hello America……

Hello America….. Can we get something straight? I mean really straight, for those who’ve read any history whatever or gone to school and taken any history, sociology or anthropology courses? America was never established, created, planned, designed, born,...
Coming in From the Cold

Coming in From the Cold

How does one who comes in from the cold (that’s what spies used to call coming home from a mission) explain to fellow Americans that they live in a perpetual state of blissful euphoria punctuated by bouts of fake fear? How does one, who’s ridden the...