The Duke, Part Twenty-Three

The Duke, Part Twenty-Three

THE DUKE Part XXIII  Darren went back inside and began the real work of getting the place ready, the kind he made himself do well but didn’t like at all. The work he loved was with the people, not doing the scut work before anyone arrived, although nothing would be...
The Duke, Part Twenty-One

The Duke, Part Twenty-One

THE DUKE Chapter XXI   Darren’s father was in a rage by the time he got home from work.  The rages were all founded upon the same squishy ground.  Bacardi Light was the name of the ground. “Who’s this Kahanamoku character?” his father had started with. Darren was a...
The Duke, Part Twenty

The Duke, Part Twenty

THE DUKE Part XX Jimmy blasted the Spyder up the flank of Diamond Head, the Corvair’s turbocharger emitting a pleasing jet engine whine until taking the corner onto 16th Avenue.  Seconds later Darren was home and Jimmy took off again. With its strange rear suspension...
The Duke, Part Nineteen

The Duke, Part Nineteen

THE DUKE Part XIX  Sandy Beach was called Sandy, but only by Haoles and tourists.  It was Sandies Beach to the locals, just like the wonderful Bellows Beach further around the shore, just beyond Waimanalo, was called Sherwood Forest to them.  The tourists who visited...
The Duke, Part Eighteen

The Duke, Part Eighteen

THE DUKE Part XVIII   Sunday took a long time in coming, as Darren lay in his bed, under a giant poster of the moon, carefully pinned to the wall above his head. The night had been long and filled with waking moments of terror. Terror that Jimmy might not make it back...

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