Chemical Theory

Chemical Theory

The hall outside the St. Norbert Chemistry Department classroom door saw a lot of traffic. The dark, near ebony, wood and solid stone floor that ran the length of the narrow passage exuded age and class. Student’s passing all did so in silence, carrying piles of...


It’s all about the money. Obamacare. Oh, the idea was great and the law well written, except for one part. That part was the part that made no demands whatever on what insurer’s could charge or increase or anything else financially. Expecting American...
“Thank the Living Christ”

“Thank the Living Christ”

They hadn’t told me that I was going to make it yet, when my brother came by to visit on his way home. We’d been hit only two weeks apart. The telegram came to me about his injuries, dropped in by a supply chopper late in the day on a place called Ganoi Island in Vietnam…..

Obamacare, Success or Failure?

Obamacare, Success or Failure?

It’s all about the money. Obamacare. Oh, the idea was great and the law well written, except for one part. That part was the part that made no demands whatever on what insurer’s could charge or increase or anything else financially…



Ajinomoto To be stuck in Hawaii without any money was a horrible thing for any kid, particularly three white Haole kids, coming from a military family and living in a downtown local area on the fringe of downtown Waikiki. Kapuhulu was what the district was called. I...

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